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ultrasonic ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

ultrasonic anlamı
1) ultrasonik
2) sesötesi
3) sesten hızlı

"ultrasonic" için örnek kullanımlar

Each sensor module houses an ultrasonic range finder and a servo motor.
Her sensör modülü ultrasonik mesafe bulucu ve bir servo motor barındırıyor.
Kaynak: news.cnet.com
These animals emit cries in the ultrasonic range when separated from their mothers.
Annelerinden ayrıldığında Bu hayvanlar ultrasonik aralığında çığlıkları yayarlar.
Kaynak: scienceworldreport.com
Acteon has some interesting new products: the ultrasonic scalers the Newtron P5 and P5XS.
Ultrasonik scalers newtron P5 ve P5XS: Acteon bazı ilginç yeni ürünler var.
Kaynak: drbicuspid.com
The mics send out and receive ultrasonic reflections from objects within one's environment.
Mikrofonlar üzerinden göndermek ve bir çevre içinde nesnelerden ultrasonik yansımaları alırsınız.
Kaynak: screencrush.com
Ultrasonic is an adjective referring to ultrasound. Ultrasound and ultrasonic may also refer to: Medical ultrasonography , an ultrasound-
Kaynak: Ultrasound (disambiguation)
In ultrasonic testing (UT), very short ultrasonic pulse-waves with center frequencies ranging from 0.1-15 MHz and occasionally up to 50 
Kaynak: Ultrasonic testing
Sonic and ultrasonic weapons (USW) are weapons of various types that use sound to injure, incapacitate, or kill an opponent.
Kaynak: Sonic weapon
This has sometimes been used by researchers to identify bats flying in an area simply by recording their calls with ultrasonic recorders
Kaynak: Animal echolocation
An ultrasonic cleaner is a cleaning device that uses ultrasound (usually from 20–400 kHz ) and an appropriate cleaning solvent (sometimes
Kaynak: Ultrasonic cleaning
An ultrasonic horn (also known as acoustic horn, sonotrode , acoustic waveguide , ultrasonic probe) is a tapering metal bar commonly used
Kaynak: Ultrasonic horn
An Ultrasonic grating is a type of diffraction grating produced by an ultrasonic wave. An ultrasonic wave is a sound wave having a
Kaynak: Ultrasonic grating
Laser-ultrasonics uses lasers to generate and detect ultrasonic waves It is a non-contact technique used to measure materials thickness,
Kaynak: Laser ultrasonics

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