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"unassisted" için örnek kullanımlar

Blois collected the assist on Ochwat's goal and Allen's was unassisted.
Blois Ochwat hedefi üzerine asist toplanan ve Allen'ın yardımsız oldu.
Kaynak: quinnipiacbobcats.com
Cabrera's unassisted goal 15 minutes into the second half capped the scoring.
Ikinci yarısında içine Cabrera yardımsız golü 15 dakika puanlama şapkalı.
Kaynak: news-journal.com
Max McCormick scored on consecutive nights when his unassisted wra
Max McCormick ardışık gece atmasıyla onun yardımsız wra
Kaynak: buckeyextra.dispatch.com
Forster put Penn State up early on an unassisted goal just 1:20 into the contest.
Forster sadece 1:20 yarışma içine bir yardımsız gol kadar erken Penn State koydu.
Kaynak: gopsusports.com
In baseball , an unassisted triple play occurs when a defensive player makes all three putouts by himself in one continuous play, without
Kaynak: Unassisted triple play
He is best remembered for making one of the most spectacular defensive plays in World Series history, an unassisted triple play .
Kaynak: Bill Wambsganss
Combust (astrological aspect), the obscuring of the unassisted viewing of a planet by the Sun's light. Combustion , the exothermical chemical
Kaynak: Combust
The triple play was unassisted and turned by Cleveland's Bill Wambsganss in Game 5. Wambsganss, playing second base, caught a line drive
Kaynak: 1920 World Series
Jim Shekhdar is a British ocean rower and was the second person to complete a solo unassisted non-stop crossing of the Pacific Ocean.
Kaynak: Jim Shekhdar
Producers of tool-assisted speedruns do not compete with so-called "unassisted" speedrunners of video games; on the other hand,
Kaynak: Tool-assisted speedrun
He is most famous for being the first player to turn an unassisted triple play in Major League Baseball history on July 19, 1909.
Kaynak: Neal Ball
application of this philosophy may occur during a physician or midwife attended hospital birth , a midwife attended homebirth, or an unassisted birth.
Kaynak: Natural childbirth
Padgett is best known for turning the fourth unassisted triple play in Major League Baseball history on October 6, 1923 Personal life
Kaynak: Ernie Padgett
The Game: Kovalchuk 4 (unassisted) 10:42 2nd (SHG) Huselius (Legwand, Heatley) 7:47 3rd. Kovalchuk 5 (penalty shot) 9:48 3rd. Kovalchuk 6
Kaynak: NHL YoungStars Game
Bruntlett performed the fifteenth unassisted triple play of the modern era in the bottom of the ninth inning on August 23, against the New
Kaynak: Eric Bruntlett
In May 2010, she unofficially became the youngest person to sail non-stop and unassisted around the world, although her route did not
Kaynak: Jessica Watson
balls to the shortstop or second baseman, respectively, which the fielder takes for an unassisted putout at second before throwing to first.
Kaynak: Double play
As a senior in 1978, he had 124 tackles, including 73 unassisted tackles, and was selected as an All-American by the Football Writers
Kaynak: Ken Fantetti

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