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unavoidable ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

unavoidable anlamı
1) kaçınılmaz
2) zorunlu
3) iptal edilemez

"unavoidable" için örnek kullanımlar

News of the sequester and its automatic spending cuts have been unavoidable.
Sequester ve otomatik harcama kesintileri Haberler kaçınılmaz olmuştur.
Kaynak: pegasusnews.com
"Finance and tax reforms are unavoidable but will probably be the most difficult."
"Finans ve vergi reformları kaçınılmaz ama muhtemelen en zor olacak."
Kaynak: smh.com.au
That album and its unavoidable single Intuition indicated a drastic career makeover.
Bu albüm ve kendi kaçınılmaz tek Sezgi köklü bir kariyer makyaj belirtti.
Kaynak: niagarafallsreview.ca
The former may be unavoidable, and there is flexibility built into student loan repayments.
Eski kaçınılmaz olabilir ve öğrenci kredisi ödemeleri yerleşik esneklik vardır.
Kaynak: startribune.com
In mathematics, an unavoidable pattern is a pattern of symbols that must occur in any sufficiently long string over an alphabet.
Kaynak: Unavoidable pattern
The Food Defect Action Levels: Levels of natural or unavoidable defects in foods that present no health hazards for humans is a publication
Kaynak: The Food Defect Action Levels
They are fundamental and unavoidable. It can be proved that the relative fluctuations reduce as the square root of the number of identical
Kaynak: Statistical fluctuations
fatigue, and unavoidable delays By providing a small increase to the normal time in each cycle, the worker can still be able to cover lost
Kaynak: PFD allowance
A majority of wasted food is avoidable,D | d | a with the rest being divided almost equally by foods which are unavoidable (e.g.
Kaynak: Food waste in the United Kingdom
can be produced by several different effects. Thermal noise is unavoidable at non-zero temperature (see fluctuation-dissipation theorem
Kaynak: Noise (electronics)
by the voluntary resign ation of the opponent, which typically occurs when too much material is lost, or if checkmate appears unavoidable.
Kaynak: Chess
Sunk costs are unavoidable because they have already been incurred Future costs that do not change between alternatives are also
Kaynak: Relevant cost
Yadua the Babylonian said in the name of Rabbi Meir: "If two dogs came from one direction they do not count as an unavoidable accident, but
Kaynak: Yadua the Babylonian
For much of history, poverty was considered largely unavoidable as traditional modes of production were insufficient to give an entire
Kaynak: Poverty

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