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undermost ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

undermost anlamı
1) en alttaki
2) en aşağıdaki

"undermost" için örnek kullanımlar

stimulation of one inner ear labyrinth over the other due to diving in a prone position in cold water - the undermost ear being stimulated.
Kaynak: Alternobaric vertigo
Prison: The undermost of these apartments was empty. In the second, which is called the iron room, which is destined for those who have
Kaynak: Old Tolbooth, Edinburgh
quote The earliest thing I remember about Freddie's golf is the difficulty I had in persuading him to hold a golf club right hand undermost.
Kaynak: John Guthrie Tait
The sticharion used by priests and bishop s is worn as the undermost vestment. In this form, it is often made from a lighter fabric: linen
Kaynak: Sticharion
the stratigraphic sequence of a site from its position between the undermost of all units which lie above it and the uppermost of all those
Kaynak: Stratigraphy (archaeology)
the stratigraphic sequence of a site from its position between the undermost of all units which lie above it and the uppermost of all those
Kaynak: Harris matrix
Foodle – "A Courtier that is out of Place, and consquently of that Part that is undermost", played by Mr. Ayres. Bailiff and Follower – "Of
Kaynak: The Tragedy of Tragedies
.gases of different nature, when brought into contact, do not arrange themselves according to their density, the heaviest undermost, and
Kaynak: Diffusion

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