unemployment rate is 5 per cent, compared with Ireland's 14 per cent.
Işsizlik oranı İrlanda yüzde 14 ile karşılaştırıldığında, yüzde 5'tir.
unemployment does start to abate in Europe it will do so very slowly.
İşsizlik Avrupa'da azaltabilmek için başlar ne zaman çok yavaş yapacağız.
Kaynak: independent.ieUnemployment hit 12% last year and is forecast to rise to over 14% in 2014.
İşsizlik ise geçen yıl% 12 isabet ve 2014 yılında 14% 'e çıkacağı tahmin ediliyor.
Kaynak: US
unemployment is now at 7.7 percent, the lowest since December 2008.
ABD'de işsizlik yüzde 7.7, Aralık 2008'den bu yana en düşük seviyede artık.
Kaynak: philstar.comUnemployment (or joblessness) occurs when people are without work and actively seeking work The
unemployment rate is a measure of the
Kaynak: Unemployment Unemployment benefits (also, depending on the jurisdiction, called
unemployment insurance or
unemployment compensation) are payments made by
Kaynak: Unemployment benefits Unemployment in the United States discusses the causes and measures of U.S.
unemployment and strategies for reducing it. and
unemploymentKaynak: Unemployment in the United States Unemployment compensation: employee's ability to collect whatever form of
unemployment compensation might be available in their jurisdiction .
Kaynak: Layoff High
unemployment is a problem; the official figure is roughly one-tenth of the workforce, but unofficial estimates are much higher, and—
Kaynak: Economy of MoroccoThis table shows California
unemployment statistics from 1976 through 2011. The data source is the "Labor Force &
Unemployment Data" page
Kaynak: California unemployment statisticsStructural
unemployment is a form of
unemployment resulting from a mismatch between demand in the labour market and the skills and
Kaynak: Structural unemploymentTechnological
unemployment is
unemployment primarily caused by technological change . cannot cause systemic
unemployment The notion of
Kaynak: Technological unemploymentThe natural rate of
unemployment (sometimes called the frictional or structural
unemployment rate) is a concept of economic activity
Kaynak: Natural rate of unemploymentGraduate
unemployment is
unemployment among people with an academic degree . Research undertaken proved that the
unemployment, and much
Kaynak: Graduate unemploymentFrictional
unemployment is the time period between jobs when a worker is searching for, or transitioning from one job to another.
Kaynak: Frictional unemploymentUnemployment extension occures when regular
unemployment benefits are exhausted and extended for additional weeks.
UnemploymentKaynak: Unemployment extension Unemployment Convention, 1919 is an International Labour Organization Convention . "question of preventing or providing against
Kaynak: Unemployment Convention Male
unemployment is
unemployment among men . The 2008–2012 global recession has been called a "mancession" because of the
Kaynak: Male unemployment