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unkempt ne demek?

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unkempt anlamı
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"unkempt" için örnek kullanımlar

Unfortunately I saw every Nigeria lady on the streets as dirty, and unkempt.
Ne yazık ki kirli sokaklarda her Nijerya hanım gördüm, ve dağınık.
Kaynak: codewit.com
The stores continue to be unkempt, understaffed and outdated looking.
Mağazalar, dağınık IMPD ve seyir eski olmaya devam etmektedir.
Kaynak: seekingalpha.com
The ponytail needs to go, and he just appears an unkempt American fratboy here.
Atkuyruğu gitmek gerekiyor, ve o sadece burada dağınık Amerikalı fratboy görünür.
Kaynak: tennis.com
However, her new brown hair looked unkempt and her makeup looked about a day old.
Ancak, onun yeni kahverengi saç dağınık baktı ve ona makyaj eski bir gün baktım.
Kaynak: uk.omg.yahoo.com
The grunge aesthetic is stripped-down compared to other forms of rock music, and many grunge musicians were noted for their unkempt
Kaynak: Grunge
"World Champion" — and a generally unkempt appearance It is a look he maintains as a stand-up comedian, during most of his public
Kaynak: Judah Friedlander
culture's unkempt poster child of doom and gloom", and asserts that some of his songs are a "somber introspection over lush, brooding guitars
Kaynak: Robert Smith (musician)
He acquired his nickname, "Dirt", while playing for the Yankees, for his somewhat unkempt appearance and his tendency to get his uniform
Kaynak: Dick Tidrow
Scapigliatura is the Italian equivalent of the French bohème and Scapigliati (literally "dishevelled", "unkempt") the name given to this
Kaynak: Scapigliatura
A pudgy, bearded and unkempt mafioso, Brusca was known in Mafia circles as "U' Verru" (in Sicilian) or Il Porco or Il Maiale, (In Italian:
Kaynak: Giovanni Brusca
Despite the differences in their races and sizes, the Dudleys shared a similar ring attire of taped glasses, unkempt hair, tie-dye shirts
Kaynak: Dudley family
He is best known for his character Brozo el Payaso Tenebroso (Brozo the Creepy Clown), a green-haired, unkempt, obscene and aggressive
Kaynak: Víctor Trujillo
"in a fit of pique, in a hotel room, after his unkempt appearance had led an impertinent hotel clerk to refuse him admission until his
Kaynak: When the Ship Comes In
family of spider s are that they are entelegyne (have a genital plate in the female), eight-eyed araneomorph spiders that build unkempt webs.
Kaynak: Velvet spider
actor Bob Denver , begins as a stereotypical beatnik, with a goatee , "hip" (slang ) language, and a generally unkempt, bohemian appearance.
Kaynak: Maynard G. Krebs
His appearance was squalid, with holy ashes smeared on him, and the long unkempt hair flowing in the air. This tavam was so effective that
Kaynak: Tavam of Vaikundar
Khan experimented with a variety of looks, including long unkempt hair and a stubble . In order to prepare for his role, Khan exercised
Kaynak: Don (character)
the punk subculture Attributes may include unkempt dreadlocks , nose rings, mohawk hairstyle s, low quality tattoo s, or army-style clothing
Kaynak: Gutter punk
His attire and hairstyle tend to vary between stories but he often appears unkempt due to his living in hiding. The weaponry in the strip
Kaynak: Inspector Shimura
He sported a remarkably full and unkempt beard during the 1849 uprising , and when it failed, toward the end of that year, he emigrated to
Kaynak: Franz Heinrich Zitz
With heavy jowls, and an unkempt beard: Scowling from shrunken, hollow eyes: Its complexion earthy and pale,: Its hair grizzled and matted
Kaynak: Adamastor
The meadow is somewhat unkempt, with an amount of rubbish scattered around the deep pond, filled with cloudy brown water. A community
Kaynak: Brickfields Meadow

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