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unlatch ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

unlatch anlamı
1) mandalını açmak

"unlatch" için örnek kullanımlar

The driver would quickly unlatch his belt.
Sürücü hızla kemerini mandalını açmak istiyorum.
Kaynak: thenewstribune.com
Control rods inside the reactor unlatch and drop when a problem is detected, shutting down the nuclear reaction, for example.
Reaktör besleyen ve bir sorun algılandığında açılan iç kontrol çubukları, örneğin, nükleer reaksiyon kapatılıyor.
Kaynak: triblive.com
The boggy conditions resulted in numerous early scratches, including Golden Yank, Hyper, Major Gain, Quality Control, Strike Impact and Unlatch.
Bataklık koşulları Altın Yank, Hiper, Binbaşı Kazanç, Kalite Kontrol, Grev Darbe ve Açma dahil, çok sayıda erken çizikler sonuçlandı.
Kaynak: brisnet.com
The side rail of the play yards can fail to latch properly and can unlatch unexpectedly when a child pushes against it, posing a fall hazard to children.
Oyun metre yan taşıma düzgün mandal başarısız olabilir ve bir çocuk çocuklar bir düşüş tehlikesi poz karşı iter zaman beklenmedik mandalını açmak.
Kaynak: consumeraffairs.com
Also, a resident could unlatch the door by remote control. Sources : Social Security Death Index. United States Patent Office. Black Stars:
Kaynak: Marie Van Brittan Brown
Shut down the engine, unlatch the door, and land straight ahead. Returning to the airport with a steep turn could and more than likely
Kaynak: Engine failure on take-off
Alternatively, participants may force the elevator car's doors open between floors and unlatch the outer doors from the inside.
Kaynak: Elevator surfing
After the bottom of the stand is placed on the floor, the derrickman will unlatch the elevators and pull the stand in either with a rope
Kaynak: Stand (drill pipe)
wiring that drove the latches because "Three operators have reported failure of the electrical latch actuators to latch/unlatch the cargo doors.
Kaynak: American Airlines Flight 96
Piers Sellers on STS-121 while testing shuttle repair techniques The latch had been inadvertently bumped and moved to the unlatch position.
Kaynak: Simplified Aid for EVA Rescue
door handle s (to allow for solenoid -operated systems to unlatch the doors at the touch of a button), removed running boards, side-
Kaynak: Three window coupe
Getting back up, Christie ran out the back door, across the rear deck to the back gate, and tried to unlatch the gate. Chand caught up to
Kaynak: Murder of Christie Marceau

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