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untoward ne demek?

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untoward anlamı
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2) şanssız
3) uğursuz
4) aksi
5) huysuz
6) yersiz

"untoward" için örnek kullanımlar

Mr Sturm said there was nothing untoward about the notice given to tenants.
Bay Sturm kiracılara verilen haber hakkında istenmeyen bir şey olduğunu söyledi.
Kaynak: stuff.co.nz
However, so far at least, there has been little untoward to report.
Bununla birlikte, şimdiye kadar, en azından bildirmek için küçük bir istenmeyen olmuştur.
Kaynak: bbc.co.uk
Mullins said: 'You always have to have a plan B, something untoward can happen.
Mullins şöyle dedi: "Her zaman bir B planı olması gerekir, istenmeyen bir şey olabilir.
Kaynak: dailymail.co.uk
"And if anything untoward happens during those years, it disappears," Hodgson said.
"Şanssız bir şey o yıllarda böyle bir durum olursa, o kaybolur," Hodgson söyledi.
Kaynak: latimes.com
An adverse event (AE) is any untoward medical occurrence in a patient or clinical investigation subject administered a pharmaceutical
Kaynak: Adverse event
A serious adverse event (SAE) in human drug trials are defined as any untoward medical occurrence that at any dose. results in death,
Kaynak: Serious adverse event
Most telecare mitigates harm by reacting to untoward events and raising a help response quickly. Some telecare, such as safety
Kaynak: Telecare
colloquialism referring to the act of a guard or conductor of a railway to apply the emergency brakes where something untoward has been noticed.
Kaynak: Pulled tail
Accident' is used in the ordinary sense and means a mishap or untoward event not expected or designed." "See also : Tort reform
Kaynak: Fenton v Thorley
because, so the film alleges, men are constantly threatened by women and only paternal wisdom can save them from the untoward desires of women.
Kaynak: Khandan (1942 film)
An ancient monastery sits on top of the village, which the Walungpas revere as their shelter from anything untoward. The language spoken
Kaynak: Walungs
When that untoward event took place, Ducrue was the superior of all the California mission s. He submitted uncomplainingly to the decree
Kaynak: Francis Bennon Ducrue
ashore was, as it were, to lay complaint of the buffeting, bad weather and other untoward incidents they may have suffered on their voyage.
Kaynak: Sea protest
To this untoward accident Emmet chiefly ascribed the failure of his plot. Howley's hiding-place was subsequently betrayed by a fellow-
Kaynak: Henry Howley
Ta'anit : (תענית) ("Fasting") deals chiefly with the special fast-days in times of drought or other untoward occurrences. 4 chapters
Kaynak: Moed
all the untoward events of life, when it is ready to forsake and sacrifice all other goods in order to obtain the promised felicity of heaven.
Kaynak: Heroic virtue
the company that operates the plant, said the last inspection of the pond had shown "nothing untoward". Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor
Kaynak: Ajka alumina plant accident
represents a non-specific finding or laboratory artifact related to untoward conditions during examination, and that true anismus is actually rare.
Kaynak: Anismus
The ball went for three runs , and nothing appeared untoward. However, Australian captain Greg Chappell thought that the ball should have
Kaynak: ComBat
Additionally, there were allegations (never proved) of an untoward relationship between Mr. Lewis and the contracting federal officers.
Kaynak: Lewis lamp
looking for drugs, the landlord of the property sought an injunction against Starr to prevent it from being used for anything untoward or illegal.
Kaynak: 34 Montagu Square, Marylebone

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