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USSR ne demek?

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USSR anlamı

"USSR" için örnek kullanımlar

Noteworthy, the USSR considered the document from 1920 discriminatory.
Kayda Değer, SSCB 1920 ayrımcı doküman sayılır.
Kaynak: english.pravda.ru
During the Cold War this looked like ice melting between the USSR and the US.
Soğuk Savaş sırasında bu SSCB ve ABD arasındaki buz eritme gibi görünüyordu.
Kaynak: english.ruvr.ru
That wasn't a World's Fair because it was an exchange between the US and the USSR.
Bu ABD ve SSCB arasında bir değişim oldu çünkü bir Dünya Fuarı değildi.
Kaynak: huffingtonpost.com
The USSR angle, alas, is where the movie really disappoints.
Film gerçekten disappoints nerede SSCB açısı, ne yazık ki vardır.
Kaynak: npr.org
abbreviated to USSR (СССР | r SSSR) or the Soviet Union (Советский Союз | r Sovetsky Soyuz was a constitutionally socialist state that
Kaynak: Soviet Union
Russia took up the responsibility for settling the USSR's external debts, even though its population made up just half of the population of
Kaynak: Russia
million soldiers of the Axis powers invaded the USSR along a 2900 | km | mi | abbr on front the largest invasion in the history of warfare.
Kaynak: Operation Barbarossa
centre | 80px | Honoured Test Pilot of the USSR Заслуженный лётчик-испытатель СССР Zacluzhennyj Letchik-Ispytatel SSSR | 14 August
Kaynak: Orders, decorations, and medals of the Soviet Union
On 30 December 1922, the First Congress of the Soviets of the USSR approved the Treaty on the Creation of the USSR , by which Russia was
Kaynak: Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic
By autumn 1940, after conquering its portion of Poland, the Third Reich shared an extensive border with USSR, with whom it remained
Kaynak: Red Army
Presidents of the Saint Petersburg, USSR, and Russian Academies of Sciences: The following persons occupied the position of the Academy's
Kaynak: Russian Academy of Sciences
This is a list of all the winners of the USSR Chess Championship. It was the strongest national chess championship ever held, with eight
Kaynak: USSR Chess Championship
In 1947, two years after the end of the war, the Semipalatinsk Test Site , the USSR's main nuclear weapon test site , was founded near
Kaynak: Kazakhstan
the Bolsheviks emerged victorious and unified territories of the former Russian Empire into the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR).
Kaynak: Communist Party of the Soviet Union
production of gas in the Soviet Union; by the 1960s Ukraine's biggest gas field was producing 30 percent of the USSR's total gas production.
Kaynak: Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic
Perceived as exclusively Russian by people from other countries, the league was truly multinational with all the republics in the USSR
Kaynak: Soviet Top League
It elected the Presidium , formed the Council of Ministers , the Supreme Court , and appointed the Procurator General of the USSR .
Kaynak: Supreme Soviet of the Soviet Union
The European Union (EU) with the three Baltic countries that were the first ones to declare independence from the former USSR and have
Kaynak: Post-Soviet states
The Football Federation of USSR. (Федерация футбола СССР. was a governing body of football in the Soviet Union and since 1972 the main
Kaynak: Football Federation of the Soviet Union
Following the dissolution of the USSR , the league was temporarily renamed the CIS Championship in 1992. This organization was the direct
Kaynak: Soviet Championship League
The USSR national rugby union team was a sporting side that represented the Soviet Union in rugby union until the early 1990s.
Kaynak: Soviet Union national rugby union team

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