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vagueness ne demek?

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vagueness anlamı
1) belirsizlik

"vagueness" için örnek kullanımlar

The vagueness concerned council member Steve Kornell, the lone vote against the deal.
Muğlaklığı konsey üyesi Steve Kornell, anlaşma karşısında yalnız oy ilgilidir.
Kaynak: tampabay.com
However, sometimes that vagueness seems to speak volumes.
Ancak, bazen bu muğlaklığı birimler konuşmak gibi görünüyor.
Kaynak: bleedinggreennation.com
Did the vagueness of your role make it hard to perform?
Sizin rol belirsizliği gerçekleştirmek için zorlaştırabilir mi?
Kaynak: afterelton.com
The term vagueness denotes a property of concept s (especially predicates ). A concept is vague. if the concept's extension is unclear;
Kaynak: Vagueness
In American constitutional law , a statute is void for vagueness and unenforceable if it is too vague for the average citizen to
Kaynak: Void for vagueness
Techniques: Obfuscation , intentional vagueness, confusion: Generalities are deliberately vague so that the audience may supply its own
Kaynak: Propaganda
455 | 489 | 1982, is a United States Supreme Court decision concerning the vagueness and overbreadth doctrine s as they apply to
Kaynak: Hoffman Estates v. The Flipside, Hoffman Estates, Inc.
Supervaluationism is a semantics for dealing with irreferential singular term s and vagueness . Consider the sentence 'Pegasus likes
Kaynak: Sorites paradox
In logic , supervaluationism is a semantics for dealing with irreferential singular term s and vagueness Consider the sentence 'Pegasus
Kaynak: Supervaluationism
Epistemicism is a position about vagueness in the philosophy of language or metaphysics , according to which there are facts about the
Kaynak: Epistemicism
Bobzien has proposed a logic of higher-order vagueness that avoids both the higher-order vagueness paradoxes and sharp boundaries of the
Kaynak: Susanne Bobzien
Overbreadth is closely related to vagueness ; if a prohibition is expressed in a way that is too unclear for a person to reasonably know
Kaynak: Overbreadth doctrine
is a leading Supreme Court of Canada decision on section 7 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and the doctrine of vagueness.
Kaynak: R. v. Nova Scotia Pharmaceutical Society
explains various forms of ambiguity and vagueness, recommends measures for regimenting language to eliminate ambiguity and vagueness as
Kaynak: Word and Object
research interests include Hilary Putnam , time travel , the Ontological Argument , the Doomsday Argument and the semantics of vagueness .
Kaynak: Timothy Chambers
Sometimes a river is said to be larger than a creek but this is not always the case, because of vagueness in the language. Rivers are part of
Kaynak: River
Vagueness: One issue that has bothered philosophers of language and logic is the problem of the vagueness of words. instances of vagueness
Kaynak: Philosophy of language
vagueness - when borderline cases interfere with an interpretation. equivocation - ambiguity or vagueness within an argument. accent (logic)
Kaynak: Imprecise language
Franklin, 439 U.S. 379 (1979) was a United States Supreme Court abortion rights case, which held void for vagueness part of
Kaynak: Colautti v. Franklin
interfered with First Amendment rights nor violated constitutional vagueness principles. Justice O'Connor delivered the opinion of the Court.
Kaynak: National Endowment for the Arts v. Finley
It is generally contrasted with vagueness , in that specific and distinct interpretations are permitted (although some may not be
Kaynak: Ambiguity

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