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vaporization ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

vaporization anlamı
1) buharlaşma
2) buharlaştırma

"vaporization" için örnek kullanımlar

Conventional laser cutting is based on rapid heating processes, leading to vaporization and material removal.
Konvansiyonel lazer kesim buharlaşma ve malzeme kaldırma yol, hızlı ısıtma süreçleri dayanmaktadır.
Kaynak: glassonweb.com
In addition to offering the best vaporization products at the best prices, Vape World has always been focused on customer satisfaction.
Iyi fiyatlarla iyi buharlaşma ürünler sunan ek olarak, vape Dünya her zaman müşteri memnuniyeti odaklı olmuştur.
Kaynak: prweb.com
Even earthquakes smaller than magnitude 4.0, which may rattle nerves but rarely cause damage, can trigger flash vaporization, the study finds.
Sinirler çıngırağı ancak nadiren zarar, flaş buharlaştırma tetikleyebilir olabilir büyüklüğü 4.0, daha küçük Hatta deprem, çalışma bulur.
Kaynak: science.nbcnews.com
On the PureRay front we have continued to improve the technology incorporating new methods that have shown interesting results specifically in the field of vaporization.
PureRay ön biz buharlaşma alanında özellikle ilginç sonuçlar vermiştir yeni yöntemleri birleştiren teknoloji gelişmeye devam etmiştir.
Kaynak: marketwatch.com
Vaporization of an element or compound is a phase transition from the liquid phase to gas phase There are two types of vaporization:
Kaynak: Vaporization
The enthalpy of vaporization, (symbol Delta H_mathrm vap), also known as the heat of vaporization or heat of evaporation, is the energy
Kaynak: Enthalpy of vaporization
Evaporation is a type of vaporization of a liquid that only occurs on the surface of a liquid. The other type of vaporization is
Kaynak: Evaporation
The entropy of vaporization is the increase in entropy when vaporizing a substance. This is always positive since the degree of disorder
Kaynak: Entropy of vaporization
Boiling is the rapid vaporization of a liquid , which occurs when a liquid is heated to its boiling point , the temperature at which the
Kaynak: Boiling
cavityless casting evaporative foam casting, foam vaporization casting, lost pattern casting, the castral process, and expanded
Kaynak: Evaporative-pattern casting
doi 10.1016/0009-2614(95)00825-O | title Catalytic growth of single-walled nanotubes by laser vaporization | year 1995 | author Guo T,
Kaynak: Laser ablation
Cremation is the use of high-temperature burning, vaporization, and oxidation to reduce dead animal or human bodies, to basic chemical
Kaynak: Cremation
Ablation is removal of material from the surface of an object by vaporization , chipping, or other erosive processes. Examples of
Kaynak: Ablation
Trouton's rule states that the entropy of vaporization is almost the same value, about 85–88 J K−1 mol−1, for various kinds of liquid s The
Kaynak: Trouton's rule
Superheated steam is steam at a temperature that is higher than its vaporization (boiling) point at the absolute pressure where the
Kaynak: Superheated steam
An opium pipe is a pipe designed for the vaporization and inhalation of opium . True opium pipes allow for the drug to be vaporized while
Kaynak: Opium pipe
Pervaporation is a membrane technical method for the separation of mixture s of liquids by partial vaporization through a non-porous or
Kaynak: Pervaporation
An opium lamp is an oil lamp designed specifically to facilitate the vaporization and inhalation of opium . Opium lamps differ from
Kaynak: Opium lamp
The heat of vaporization is the energy required to transform a given quantity (a mol, kg, pound, etc.) of a substance from a liquid into
Kaynak: Boiling point
enthalpies or energies) encountered are latent heat of fusion (melting or freezing ) and latent heat of vaporization (boiling or condensing ).
Kaynak: Latent heat
There the gas is liquefied in the condenser, where the heat of vaporization is released, and evaporated in the evaporator, where the heat
Kaynak: Liquefaction of gases

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