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vapour ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

vapour anlamı
1) buhar
2) buhar
3) buğu
4) buğu
5) kuruntu
6) kuruntu
1) buharlaşmak
2) buharlaşmak
3) buhar çıkarmak
4) övünmek
5) böbürlenmek
6) böbürlenmek
7) buhar çıkarmak
8) övünmek

"vapour" için örnek kullanımlar

A person can become infected after breathing in the water vapour.
Bir kişi su buharı nefes sonra enfekte olabilir.
Kaynak: nzherald.co.nz
But even if there's no moisture vapour the seeds won't come to any harm until it rains.
Ama hiç nem buharı var olsa bile tohumlar yağmurlar kadar herhangi bir zarar gelmeyecek.
Kaynak: scoop.co.nz
India was provided with four Centaure rockets with payloads for vapour cloud experiments.
Hindistan buhar bulutu deneyler için yük dört Centaure roketler ile sağlandı.
Kaynak: idsa.in
More than 100 people were hospitalised after they breathed in the vapour and three men died.
Onlar buharı teneffüs ve üç erkek öldükten sonra 100'den fazla kişi hastaneye kaldırıldı.
Kaynak: deadlinenews.co.uk
A vapour (British spelling) or vapor (see spelling differences ) is a substance in the gas phase at a temperature lower than its critical
Kaynak: Vapor
"Estimation of the vapour pressure of non-electrolyte organic compounds via group contributions and group interactions ", J.Mol.
Kaynak: Vapor pressure
In a similar fashion other chemical or physical reactions can take place in the presence of water vapour resulting in new chemicals forming
Kaynak: Water vapor
Vapour density is the density of a vapour in relation to that of hydrogen . It may be defined as mass of a certain volume of a substance
Kaynak: Vapour density
Metalorganic vapour phase epitaxy (MOVPE), also known as organometallic vapour phase epitaxy (OMVPE) or metalorganic chemical vapour
Kaynak: Metalorganic vapour phase epitaxy
The vapour pressure of water is the pressure at which water vapour is saturated . At higher pressures water would condense .
Kaynak: Vapour pressure of water
A mercury vapour turbine is a form of heat engine that uses mercury to drive the thermal cycle. A mercury vapour turbine has been used
Kaynak: Mercury vapour turbine
A vapor barrier (or vapour barrier) is often used to refer to any material for damp proofing , typically a plastic or foil sheet, that
Kaynak: Vapor barrier
Hydride vapour phase epitaxy (HVPE) is an epitaxial growth technique often employed to produce semiconductors such as GaN, GaAs, InP and
Kaynak: Hydride vapour phase epitaxy
Sherardising or sherardizing is a method of galvanising also called vapour galvanising. It is named for its discoverer Sherard Cowper-
Kaynak: Sherardising
Vapor (or vapour) recovery is the process of recovering the vapor s of gasoline or other fuel s, so that they do not escape into the
Kaynak: Vapor recovery
Electrostatic spray assisted vapour deposition (ESAVD) is a technique (developed by a company called IMPT) to deposit both thin and thick
Kaynak: Electrostatic spray assisted vapour deposition
Chemical vapour deposition (CVD) is a versatile process suitable for the manufacturing of coatings, powders, fibres, and monolithic
Kaynak: Chalcogenide chemical vapour deposition

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