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vexatious ne demek?

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İngilizce - Türkçe

vexatious anlamı
1) üzücü
2) can sıkıcı
3) eziyetli
4) gücendirici

"vexatious" için örnek kullanımlar

GPC yesterday said the claim was called "frivolous and vexatious" in court.
GPC dün iddiası mahkemede "anlamsız ve üzücü" denirdi dedi.
Kaynak: gladstoneobserver.com.au
Then there is the vexatious issue of managing vaccination.
Sonra aşı yönetmek eziyetli sorunu vardır.
Kaynak: livemint.com
There are innovative solutions to such vexatious issues.
Böyle üzücü sorunlara yenilikçi çözümler vardır.
Kaynak: khaleejtimes.com
Moreover, the way it was designed makes it cumbersome, expensive and vexatious to enforce on the business sector.
Ayrıca, tasarlanmış bir şekilde iş sektörü zorlamak için, hantal, pahalı ve eziyetli yapar.
Kaynak: timesofmalta.com
Vexatious requests: A public authority is not obliged to comply with a request for information if the request is vexatious. considered vexatious
Kaynak: Freedom of Information Act 2000
In the law of several jurisdictions, such as Ireland and New Zealand , frivolous or vexatious, when used to describe an action such as a
Kaynak: Frivolous or vexatious
An Isaac Wunder order is an order issued by an Irish court restricting the ability of a vexatious litigant to institute legal proceedings
Kaynak: Isaac Wunder order
Abuse can originate from nearly any part of the legal system, including frivolous and vexatious litigants , abuses by law enforcement ,
Kaynak: Legal abuse
Collins was a controversial character who was suspended for nearly two seasons for striking and was later declared a vexatious litigant
Kaynak: Goldie Collins
A federal court labeled Stoller and his companies as "vexatious litigants " in 2005, and his bankruptcy filing from that year was
Kaynak: Leo Stoller
At common law, maintenance and champerty were both crime s and tort s, as was barratry , the bringing of vexatious litigation .
Kaynak: Champerty and maintenance
"where the court finds that the position of the United States was 'vexatious, frivolous, or in bad faith In such cases, the federal court may
Kaynak: Hyde Amendment (1997)
Interpretation of the Houyhnhnms has been vexatious. It is possible, for example, to regard them as a veiled criticism by Swift of the
Kaynak: Houyhnhnm
See also : Vexatious litigation frivolous or vexatious Isaac Wunder order References : External links : Category:Abuse of the legal system
Kaynak: Barratry (common law)
that this would be any different for expert witnesses Neither had vexatious claims been a problem for barristers – in any event, the present
Kaynak: Jones v Kaney
In his hoaxes, Marks allows tension to rise as he usurps power by making authoritative, vexatious statements. Then he reveals his identity
Kaynak: Rodney Marks
Judge Lynch of the United States District Court , Southern District of New York described as a "history of collusive and vexatious litigation".
Kaynak: Altimo
Over the years, Martin has filed numerous lawsuits, and has been labeled as a vexatious litigant by several jurisdictions. a vexatious,
Kaynak: Andy Martin
recent years many jurisdictions have placed a high standard to obtain an injunction such as where the proceedings are "oppressive or vexatious".
Kaynak: Anti-suit injunction
According to its preamble, the purpose of this Act was to discourage vexatious proceedings, at the instance of common informer s, against
Kaynak: Larceny (Advertisements) Act 1870
Raymond Hill defined an enueg as "the enumeration in epigrammatic style of a series of vexatious things". He finds the genre continued in
Kaynak: Enuig

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