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villainy ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

villainy anlamı
1) hainlik
2) kötülük
3) rezalet
4) cürüm

"villainy" için örnek kullanımlar

Want to know what a wretched hive of scum and villainy the Longmen Inn is?
Kötülük ve pisliğin Longmen Inn sefil bir kovanı ne olduğunu bilmek ister misiniz?
Kaynak: zam.com
What did the villainy matter when the show was No. 1 in the Nielsen ratings?
Ne gösteri Nielsen puan 1 numara oldu alçaklık meselesi mi?
Kaynak: dallasnews.com
In his Sunday sermon, he thundered: 'This is a villainy of Europeans.
Onun Pazar vaazında, diye gürledi: 'Bu Avrupalıların bir hainlik olduğunu.
Kaynak: dailymail.co.uk
while rocking an ominous baritone that just slathers on the villainy.
sadece kötülük üzerine bol miktar uğursuz bir bariton sallanan ise.
Kaynak: eonline.com
Having Metro City for himself, Megamind finds out that his villainy has no purpose and thus creates a new superhero for him to fight.
Kaynak: Megamind
Throughout the stories Agravain participates in acts of villainy such as the slaying of Sir Lamorak and Sir Dinadan , but sometimes his
Kaynak: Agravain
stabilizing influence on the world of super-villainy, as without it they would be unchecked free agents with no rules restricting their behavior.
Kaynak: List of The Venture Bros. characters
operatic bass-baritone , who was acclaimed for his great abilities as a singing-actor, and specialized in roles that evoked villainy and terror.
Kaynak: Norman Treigle
press and the nation's fears to become the most loved public figure of the 1720s; this love turned to hatred when his villainy was exposed.
Kaynak: Jonathan Wild
both the brains (the banker or saloon owner who secretly runs the bandit gang terrorizing the area) and the brawn behind the local villainy.
Kaynak: Harry Woods (actor)

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