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virility ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

virility anlamı
1) erkeklik
2) cinsel güç
3) yiğitlik
4) erkeklik çağı

"virility" için örnek kullanımlar

They are tribal totems, symbols of virility, resilience and fortitude.
Onlar kabile totem, erkeklik sembolü, esneklik ve metanet vardır.
Kaynak: independent.co.uk
The 'were' in 'werewolf' comes from the Latin 'vir' a man, as in virile and virility.
'Kurtadam' in 'idi' olarak Latince 'vın' bir adam, gelen erkeksi ve erkeklik.
Kaynak: express.co.uk
It should be more about pragmatism for the AST than virility.
Bu, erkeklik daha AST için pragmatizm konusunda daha fazla olmalıdır.
Kaynak: arsenal.vitalfootball.co.uk
The opposite can be expressed by terms such as "unmanly'" or epicene A near- synonym of masculinity is virility (from Latin la:vir |
Kaynak: Masculinity
Holy virility or Holy virility: The Social Construction of Masculinity is a book by Emmanuel Reynaud. Virilité Holy virility explores how
Kaynak: Holy Virility
The testicle (from Latin testiculus, diminutive of testis, meaning "witness" of virility plural testes) is the male gonad in animal s.
Kaynak: Testicle
It is both the Old Irish spelling and the anglicised form of the modern Fearghus or Fearghas, meaning "man-strength" or "virility The
Kaynak: Fergus (name)
He was believed to have a wonderful influence in restoring fertility to barren women and vigor and virility to impotent men.
Kaynak: Saint Foutin
Palance also used some of his speech time to prove his virility by performing one-handed push-ups. In mock retaliation for Palance's
Kaynak: 64th Academy Awards
beardedness) is often culturally associated with wisdom and virility Men may style their facial hair into beard s, moustache s, goatee s
Kaynak: Facial hair
(Sanskrit ) literally means "state of a strong man or "manliness In Hindu Vedic literature , the term is often associated with heroism and virility .
Kaynak: Vīrya (Hinduism)
The facts are normally absurd hyperbolic claims about Norris' toughness, attitude, virility , sophistication, and masculinity .
Kaynak: Chuck Norris facts
It is also a symbol of fidelity, justice and virility. The bison represents the local fauna while the seal on it symbolizes the custom of
Kaynak: Flag of Wyoming
primary ingredient The soup has been claimed to provide increased virility The meat is boiled with vegetables such as green onions ,
Kaynak: Bosintang

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