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virulent ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

virulent anlamı
1) düşmanca
2) öldürücü
3) şiddetli
4) kuvvetli
5) kin dolu
6) çabuk ilerleyen

"virulent" için örnek kullanımlar

Since then, three more have been identified, though none as virulent as SARS.
O zamandan bu yana, daha fazla üç rağmen, tespit edilmiştir SARS gibi öldürücü olarak yok.
Kaynak: the-scientist.com
Norovirus is RIDICULOUSLY virulent, contagious & prevalent in the population.
Norovirüs GÜLÜNÇ, öldürücü bulaşıcı ve toplumda yaygındır.
Kaynak: eater.com
In a fascinating segment, her nephew explains his virulent opposition to this.
Büyüleyici bir segmentinde, yeğeni bu onun düşmanca muhalefet açıklıyor.
Kaynak: telegraph.co.uk
For instance, the mother did not have a less virulent strain of HIV.
Örneğin, ana HIV virülan daha az bir yoktu.
Kaynak: npr.org
Virulent can describe either disease severity or a pathogen's infectivity The word virulent derives from the Latin word virulentus,
Kaynak: Virulence
Metarhizium acridum is the new name given to a group of fungal isolates that are known to be virulent and specific to Acrididea .
Kaynak: Metarhizium acridum
Ulmus Groeneveld was cloned in 1949 and released in 1963 in response to the earlier, less virulent form of Dutch elm disease that
Kaynak: Ulmus 'Groeneveld'
Anthrax toxin is a three- protein exotoxin secreted by virulent strains of the bacterium , Bacillus anthracis —the causative agent of
Kaynak: Anthrax toxin
Enterobacteria phage T2 is a virulent bacteriophage of the T4-like viruses genus, in the family Myoviridae . It infects Escherichia coli
Kaynak: Enterobacteria phage T2
The elm cultivar Christine Buisman was the first release of the Dutch elm breeding programme initiated in response to the less virulent
Kaynak: Ulmus 'Christine Buisman'
Cord factor refers to trehalose dimycolate , a virulence factor and glycolipid cell-wall component of virulent strains of Mycobacterium
Kaynak: Cord factor
Pine pitch canker is a virulent and incurable fungal disease of pine trees caused by the fungus Fusarium circinatum Infected trees may
Kaynak: Pine pitch canker
Metarhizium flavoviride is the name given to a group of fungal isolates that are known to be virulent against Hemiptera and some
Kaynak: Metarhizium flavoviride
Polypoid melanoma is a rare cutaneous condition, a virulent variant of nodular melanoma 696 See also : Melanoma List of cutaneous conditions
Kaynak: Polypoid melanoma
Basaloid squamous-cell carcinoma is a cutaneous condition, a subtype of squamous-cell carcinoma , a virulent form characterized by a
Kaynak: Basaloid squamous-cell carcinoma
PhiKMV-like viruses are a genus of Autographivirinae viruses.Bacteriophage phiKMV and its relatives are known to be highly virulent
Kaynak: PhiKMV-like viruses
Metarhizium majus is the new name given to a group of fungal isolates that are known to be virulent against Scarabaeidae , a family of
Kaynak: Metarhizium majus
killed Streptococcus pneumoniae of the virulent strain type III-S, when injected along with living but non-virulent type II-R
Kaynak: Avery–MacLeod–McCarty experiment
bacteriophage that infects the bacterial species Streptococcus pyogenes , and converts a harmless strain of bacteria into a virulent strain.
Kaynak: Bacteriophage T12

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