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warmonger ne demek?

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İngilizce - Türkçe

warmonger anlamı
1) savaş kışkırtıcısı

"warmonger" için örnek kullanımlar

And he explained his reasons went beyond him being no austerity warmonger.
Ve kendince nedenleri hiçbir kemer sıkma warmonger oluşu onu öteye gitti açıkladı.
Kaynak: guardian.co.uk
It would be hard for anyone to sugarcoat the atrocities attributed to a warmonger as ruthless as Napoleon.
Zulümleri sugarcoat herkese Napolyon gibi acımasız bir savaş kışkırtıcısı atfedilen için çok zor olurdu.
Kaynak: wordandfilm.com
However not all Atzai agreed with helping the warmonger human race, and slowly rebel factions formed inside the Atzai ranks.
Ancak tüm Atzai warmonger insan ırkına yardım ile anlaştılar ve yavaşça isyancı gruplar Atzai safları içindeki kurdu.
Kaynak: gametrailers.com
Contemporaries Thucydides and Aristophanes represented him as a warmonger and a demagogue ; modern historians provide a more balanced
Kaynak: Cleon
During the period of the Hitler-Stalin pact from 1939 to 1941, the group also sang songs attacking Franklin D. Roosevelt as a warmonger
Kaynak: Millard Lampell
In the midst of the London Blitz and the Battle of Britain , APM agitated for a cut-off of “warmonger” President Franklin Roosevelt 's
Kaynak: American Peace Mobilization
The series follows the conflict between the peaceful Protectons and the warmonger ing Terrakors on the alien world of Skalorr , and a
Kaynak: Robotix
The Bird of Prey by World War I pilot, John Monk Saunders that explores how war can turn a man's moral compass from pacifism to warmonger.
Kaynak: Ace of Aces (1933 film)

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