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warrant ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

warrant anlamı
1) garanti
2) yetki
3) yetki belgesi
4) izin belgesi
5) ruhsat
6) hak
7) teminât
8) vekâletname
9) tayin emri
10) haklı neden
1) temin etmek
2) garanti etmek
3) kefil olmak
4) izin vermek
5) ruhsat vermek
6) yetki vermek
7) mazur göstermek

"warrant" için örnek kullanımlar

Kentucky simply doesn't have a résumé deep enough to warrant an NCAA bid.
Kentucky basit bir NCAA teklifi gerektirecek bir özgeçmiş yeterince derin yok.
Kaynak: usatoday.com
One person was arrested on a misdemeanor warrant and two vehicles were towed.
Bir kişi bir suç emri üzerine tutuklandı ve iki araç çekili edildi.
Kaynak: blog.pe.com
Still a touch raw, he has enough potential and upside to warrant the selection.
Hala bir dokunuş ham, o seçimi garanti için yeterli potansiyel ve ters vardır.
Kaynak: steelers101.com
Warrant may refer to: Warrant (law), a form of specific authorization. Search warrant , a court order issued that authorizes law enforcement
Kaynak: Warrant
Most often, the term warrant refers to a specific type of authorization ; a writ issued by a competent officer, usually a judge or
Kaynak: Warrant (law)
An arrest warrant is a warrant issued by a judge on behalf of the state, which authorizes the arrest and detention of an individual, or
Kaynak: Arrest warrant
A warrant officer (WO) is an officer in a military organization who is designated an officer by a warrant, as distinguished from a
Kaynak: Warrant officer
In finance , a warrant is a security that entitles the holder to buy the underlying stock of the issuing company at a fixed exercise price
Kaynak: Warrant (finance)
A search warrant is a court order issued by a magistrate , judge or Supreme Court official that authorizes law enforcement officers to
Kaynak: Search warrant
In the United States military , the rank of warrant officer (grade W-1 to CW-5) is rated as an officer above the senior-most enlisted ranks
Kaynak: Warrant officer (United States)
In finance a covered warrant (sometimes called naked warrant) is a type of warrant that has been issued without an accompanying bond or
Kaynak: Covered warrant
In financial transactions, a warrant is a written order from a first person that instructs a second person to pay a specified recipient a
Kaynak: Warrant of payment
File:Virginia Land Office Warrant Number 229 to Joseph Cabell for Gabriel Penn. jpg | Virginia Land Office warrant issued to Joseph Cabell
Kaynak: Land grant
Epistemologists are concerned with various epistemic features of belief, which include the ideas of justification, warrant, rationality ,
Kaynak: Theory of justification
In New England , a warrant is a document issued by the Board of Selectmen to call a town meeting . Warrants essentially list an agenda of
Kaynak: Warrant (town meeting)

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