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warrior ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

warrior anlamı
1) savaşçı
2) asker
3) cengâver

"warrior" için örnek kullanımlar

Every line of the song features an iconic ability of the warrior class.
Şarkının her satırı savaşçı sınıfının bir ikonik yeteneğine sahiptir.
Kaynak: wow.joystiq.com
But the man is a warrior, so maybe we could be pleasantly suprised.
Ama adam bir savaşçı, bu yüzden belki biz hoş sürpriz olabilir.
Kaynak: thesweetscience.com
Both men showed great heart, true grit and primal warrior spirit.
Hem erkek hem de büyük bir kalp, gerçek kum ve ilkel savaşçı ruhu gösterdi.
Kaynak: mmamania.com
A warrior is a person skilled in combat or war fare, especially within the context of a tribal or clan -based society that recognizes a
Kaynak: Warrior
became almost entirely synonymous with bushi (武士), and the word was closely associated with the middle and upper echelons of the warrior class.
Kaynak: Samurai
Ghazi warrior: Ghazi (غازى, ar | DIN | ġāzī) is an Arabic word, the active participle of the verb ġazā, meaning 'to carry out a military
Kaynak: Ghazi (warrior)

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