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watercourse ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

watercourse anlamı
1) suyolu
2) çay
3) nehir yatağı
4) dere

"watercourse" için örnek kullanımlar

The contamination is coming from a pipe which flows directly into the watercourse.
Kontaminasyon su kanalına doğrudan akan bir borudan geliyor.
Kaynak: gazettelive.co.uk
All perennial watercourse crossings as soon as possible and no later than 6 March 2012.
Tüm yıllık su yolu geçişleri kısa sürede ve en geç 6 dan Mart 2012.
Kaynak: braidwoodtimes.com.au
The condition prevented building and vegetation removal within 30 metres of a watercourse.
Koşul bina ve bir su 30 metre mesafede bitki kaldırma engelledi.
Kaynak: au.news.yahoo.com
The forums will also allow landowners to discuss with SEPA land drainage and watercourse management issues.
Forumları da toprak sahiplerinin ÖÇK arazi drenajı ve suyolu yönetim sorunları ile görüşmek için izin verecektir.
Kaynak: icperthshire.icnetwork.co.uk
A watercourse is any flowing body of water . These include river s, stream s, anabranch es, and so forth. See also : Physical geography
Kaynak: Watercourse
A river is a natural watercourse usually freshwater , flowing towards an ocean , a lake , a sea , or another river. In a few cases, a
Kaynak: River
An aqueduct is a watercourse constructed to convey water. specifically to a bridge on an artificial watercourse The word is derived from
Kaynak: Aqueduct (water supply)
Ordinary watercourses are a statutory type of watercourse in England and Wales . Ordinary watercourses include every river , stream ,
Kaynak: Ordinary watercourse
This list of watercourse s in the San Francisco Bay Area groups rivers, creeks, sloughs, etc. according to the bodies of water they flow
Kaynak: List of watercourses in the San Francisco Bay Area

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