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wax ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

wax anlamı
1) balmumu
2) mum
3) cila
4) ağda
5) kulak kiri
6) öfke
7) kızgınlık
1) cilalamak
2) balmumu sürmek
3) mumlamak
4) büyümek
5) artmak
6) ağda yapmak
7) haline gelmek
8) -leşmek

"wax" için örnek kullanımlar

Once everything is clean, wax or polish it to make the next cleaning easier.
Sonra her şey temiz, mum veya sonraki temizleme kolaylaştırmak için parlatın.
Kaynak: powerboat-world.com
General Motors and Sears were his constant clients and, later, Johnson's Wax.
General Motors ve Sears onun sürekli müşterileri vardı ve daha sonra, Johnson Wax.
Kaynak: timescolonist.com
Island Lake is producing a lot of small bluegills for those jigging wax worms.
Island Lake bu jig balmumu solucanlar için küçük bluegills çok üretiyor.
Kaynak: ironmountaindailynews.com
Paraffin wax refers to a white or colourless soft solid that is used as a lubricant and for other applications. It is derived from
Kaynak: Paraffin wax
A wax sculpture is a sculpture made in wax . Often these are effigies , usually of a notable individual, but there are also death mask s
Kaynak: Wax sculpture
A wax museum or waxworks consists of a collection of wax sculpture s representing famous people from history and contemporary personalities
Kaynak: Wax museum
Beeswax is a natural wax produced in the bee hive of honey bee s of the genus Apis. It is mainly ester s of fatty acids and various long
Kaynak: Beeswax
Wax masters were made by flowing heated wax over a hot metal disc thus avoiding the microscopic irregularities of cast blocks of wax and
Kaynak: Gramophone record
Hot waxing utilizes Hot wax (as opposed to strip wax). In this case, the wax is applied somewhat thickly and with no cloth or paper
Kaynak: Waxing
Ski wax is a material applied to the bottom of ski s or snowboard s to improve the ski's performance on snow. It can also be applied to
Kaynak: Ski wax
Wax bullet s are bullets made of wax , often paraffin wax or some mixture of waxes and other substances that produce the desired
Kaynak: Wax bullet
A wax ester is an ester of a fatty acid and a fatty alcohol Wax esters have similar chemical properties to triglycerides , but are
Kaynak: Wax ester
Wax paper (waxed paper), also known as paraffin paper, is paper that is made moisture-proof through the application of wax .
Kaynak: Wax paper
Sealing wax is a wax material of a seal which, after melting, quickly hardens (to paper, parchment, ribbons and wire, and other material
Kaynak: Sealing wax
A crayon is a stick of colored wax , charcoal , chalk , or other material. A crayon made of oiled chalk is called an oil pastel ; when
Kaynak: Crayon
Hair wax is a thick hairstyling product containing wax , used to assist with holding the hair. hair wax remains pliable and has less
Kaynak: Hair wax

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