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way ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

way anlamı
1) yol
2) yön
3) yöntem
4) tarz
5) taraf
6) usul
7) davranış
8) mesafe
9) gidişat
10) durum
11) yapılış şekli
12) gelenek
13) davranış tarzı
14) bakım
15) civar
16) iş alanı

"way" için örnek kullanımlar

"Cut through my tongue, through my sock and cut all the way down to the bone.
"Benim çorap aracılığıyla, benim dil ile kesin ve kemik tüm yol aşağı kesti.
Kaynak: usatoday.com
I was really impressed with the way he spotted up his fastball.
Ben gerçekten onun fastball kadar lekeli yolu ile etkilendim.
Kaynak: blogs.seattletimes.com
"We felt like there was no way they should drop below the four slot," said Bobinski.
"Onlar dört yuvalı altına düşmesi gerektiğini hiçbir yolu yoktu gibi hissettim," Bobinski dedi.
Kaynak: sbnation.com
"There's no easy way to do this when you're dealing with peoples' homes," Mr. Walaker said.
"Eğer insanların evleri ile uğraşırken bunu yapmanın kolay bir yolu yok," Sayın Walaker dedi.
Kaynak: online.wsj.com
Way may refer to: Wayob , plural form (singular way), spirit companions appearing in mythology and folklore of Maya peoples of the Yucatán
Kaynak: Way
is a Chinese concept signifying 'way', 'path', 'route', or sometimes more loosely, 'doctrine' or 'principle', or as a verb, speak.
Kaynak: Tao
As the word "slip" implies, the ships or boats are moved over the ramp, by way of crane or fork lift, prior to the move the vessel's hull
Kaynak: Slipway
Wayob is the plural form of way (or uay), a Maya word with a basic meaning of 'sleep(ing)', but which in Yucatec Maya is a term specifically
Kaynak: Wayob
They had won four out of five matches in the group stage and eventually won their way into the finals with Ruhuna. Wayamba won by 31 runs
Kaynak: Wayamba cricket team

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