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wear ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

wear anlamı
1) aşınma
2) yıpranma
3) eskime
4) giysi
5) elbise
6) giyinme
7) kullanma
8) dayanıklılık
9) dayanma
1) giymek
2) takmak
3) yıpratmak
4) taşımak
5) aşındırmak
6) dayanmak
7) yıpranmamak
8) takınmak
9) soldurmak
10) solmak
11) boca etmek
12) volta vurmak

"wear" için örnek kullanımlar

I'm not a vegan, I don't live off the grid, I don't wear hemp every day.
Ben bir vegan değilim, kapalı ızgara yaşamak istemiyorsanız, her gün kenevir giymeyiniz.
Kaynak: justjared.com
On the day of the wedding, she chose to wear a reworked Catherine Deanne gown.
Düğün gününde, o bir reworked Catherine Deanne elbisesi giymeyi tercih etti.
Kaynak: people.com
And while he's lost weight, the pooch appears calm and none the worst for wear.
O kilo kaybetti ederken, köpek sakin ve hiçbiri giymek için kötü görünür.
Kaynak: stcatharinesstandard.ca
"We wear it at performances, feshes, and stuff like that," said the young dancer.
"Biz performansları, feshes, ve bunun gibi şeyler de giymek," genç dansçı söyledi.
Kaynak: whsv.com
In materials science , wear is erosion or sideways displacement of material from its "derivative" and original position on a solid
Kaynak: Wear
Memory wear: Another limitation is that flash memory has a finite number of program-erase cycles (typically written as P/E cycles).
Kaynak: Flash memory
The sapper traditionally sport large beard s, wear leather aprons and gloves and hold axes. The sappers were very common in the French
Kaynak: French Foreign Legion
Wear is a scientific journal publishing papers on wear and friction . The papers may fall within the subjects of physics , chemistry ,
Kaynak: Wear (journal)
Formal wear (US, Canada) and formal dress (UK, Australia, New Zealand, and other Commonwealth Realms ) and eveningwear are general terms
Kaynak: Formal wear
Wear leveling (also written wear levelling) is a technique for prolonging the service life of some kinds of erasable computer storage
Kaynak: Wear leveling
Ready-to-wear or prêt-à-porter (pʁɛ. ta pɔʁ. te | pron; often abbreviated RTW; "off-the-rack" or "off-the-peg" in casual use) is the term for
Kaynak: Ready-to-wear
Western wear is a category of men's and women's clothing which derives its unique style from the clothes worn in the 19th-century American
Kaynak: Western wear

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