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weasel ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

weasel anlamı
1) gelincik
2) sansar
3) samur
4) kurnaz
5) sinsi kimse
6) paletli kar arabası

"weasel" için örnek kullanımlar

VIDEO: Weasel interrupts football match in Swiss league and bites players.
VİDEO: İsviçre ligi ve ısırıkları oyuncular Weasel kesmeleri futbol maçı.
Kaynak: express.co.uk
Meanwhile, Lore'l has managed to find another castmate to weasel with.
Bu arada, Lore'l ile gelincik başka castmate bulmak başardı.
Kaynak: gossiponthis.com
She's just a bed hopping slut with slitty little weasel eyes.
O sadece slitty küçük sansar gözleriyle sürtük atlamalı bir yatak bulunuyor.
Kaynak: abcnews.go.com
Sidney, keep your head on a swivel for that weasel Marchand!
Sidney, O gelincik Marchand için döner Başını tutun!
Kaynak: theprovince.com
The least weasel (Mustela nivalis) is the smallest member of the Mustelidae (as well as the smallest of the Carnivora ), native to Eurasia
Kaynak: Least weasel
The Mustelidae (from Latin mustela, weasel ), are a family of carnivorous mammal s, commonly referred to as the weasel family.
Kaynak: Mustelidae
A weasel is a small carnivorous mammal. Weasel or weazel may also refer to: Mustela nivalis , also known as the least weasel."
Kaynak: Weasel (disambiguation)
The long-tailed weasel (Mustela frenata), also known as the bridled weasel or big stoat is a species of mustelid distributed from southern
Kaynak: Long-tailed weasel
A weasel word (also, anonymous authority) may be an informal term for equivocating words and phrases aimed at creating an impression that
Kaynak: Weasel word
The Siberian weasel (Mustela sibirica), also known as the kolonok, is a medium-sized species of weasel native to Asia . It is classed as
Kaynak: Siberian weasel
The mountain weasel (Mustela altaica), also known as the pale weasel, Altai weasel or solongoi, prefers to live in usually high-altitude
Kaynak: Mountain weasel
The Japanese weasel (Mustela itatsi) is a carnivorous mammal belonging to the genus Mustela in the family Mustelidae . It is native to
Kaynak: Japanese weasel

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