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wedge ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

wedge anlamı
1) kama
2) takoz
3) çivi
4) golf sopası
1) kama ile yarmak
2) sıkıştırmak
3) tıkmak

"wedge" için örnek kullanımlar

It stopped 10 feet short, and from there he hit wedge to 6 feet for birdie.
Bu 10 metre kısa durdu, ve oradan kuş için 6 metre kama çarptı.
Kaynak: thestate.com
Wedge told MLB.com's Greg Johns about Maurer, "So far we've seen all good things."
Wedge "Şimdiye kadar tüm iyi şeyler gördüm.", Maurer hakkında 's MLB.com Greg Johns anlattı
Kaynak: padres.scout.com
It was doubles that served as the wedge that opened the floodgates for Indian food.
Bu Hint yemekleri için bent kapaklarını açtı kama olarak görev katına oldu.
Kaynak: jamaica-gleaner.com
''He was putting the ball on the ground all day,'' Wedge said.
O bütün gün top yere koyarak'','' Kama dedi.
Kaynak: sports.yahoo.com
Wedge may refer to: Mathematics: Triangular prism , a parallel triangle wedge. Wedge (geometry), a polyhedral solid defined by two triangles
Kaynak: Wedge
A wedge is a triangular shaped tool, a compound and portable inclined plane of a wedge is given by the ratio of the length of its slope
Kaynak: Wedge (mechanical device)
A flying wedge (flying V or wedge also boar's snout or svinfylking ) is a configuration created from a body moving forward in a triangular
Kaynak: Flying wedge
In solid geometry , a wedge is a polyhedron defined by two triangle s and three trapezoid faces. A wedge has five faces, nine edges, and
Kaynak: Wedge (geometry)
In the sport of golf , a wedge is a subset of the iron family of golf club s designed for special use situations. As a class, wedges
Kaynak: Wedge (golf)
The wedge strategy is a political and social action plan authored by the Discovery Institute , the hub of the intelligent design movement
Kaynak: Wedge strategy
An accretionary wedge or accretionary prism is formed from sediments that are accreted onto the non- subducting tectonic plate at a
Kaynak: Accretionary wedge
A wedge issue is a social issue, often of a divisive or controversial nature, which splits apart a population or political group.
Kaynak: Wedge issue
In topology , the wedge sum is a "one-point union" of a family of topological space s. Specifically, if X and Y are pointed space s (i.e.
Kaynak: Wedge sum
Most golfers will generally have at least two wedges, traditionally a pitching wedge and a sand wedge, with a lob wedge or a gap wedge
Kaynak: Iron (golf)

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