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weed ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

weed anlamı
1) ot
2) yabani ot
3) esrar
4) tütün
5) puro
6) cılız kimse
1) yabani otları temizlemek
2) otları temizlemek
3) başından defetmek

"weed" için örnek kullanımlar

Plus, this is a nice and easy way to weed out the one who doesn't belong.
Artı, bu ait olmayan birini ayıklamak için güzel ve kolay bir yoludur.
Kaynak: mmamania.com
Practice good turf management along with the weed control program.
Yabancı ot kontrolü programı ile birlikte iyi bir çim yönetimini uygulayın.
Kaynak: cjonline.com
That was before bowl games were named for restaurants, weed trimmers and websites.
Kase oyunları restoran, ot kesme makineleri ve web siteleri için seçildiler önceydi.
Kaynak: espn.go.com
Tell reporters that you smoke weed all the time but can beat the test, no problem?
Her zaman ot duman ama, hiçbir sorun testi yenebilir gazetecilere söyle?
Kaynak: bleacherreport.com
The term weed is used in a variety of senses , generally centering around a plant that is not desired within a certain context.
Kaynak: Weed
A weed is an unwanted plant or any species that can quickly adapt to any environment. Weed or weeds may also refer to: Entertainment
Kaynak: Weed (disambiguation)
A noxious weed is a plant species that has been designated by country, state, provincial, or national agricultural authority as one that
Kaynak: Noxious weed
that the "noted weed" mentioned in Sonnet 76 and the "journey in my head" from Sonnet 27 could be references to cannabis and the use thereof
Kaynak: Cannabis (drug)
These Eastern Europe an noxious weed s have spread through the western and West Coast states . Experiments show that 8-hydroxyquinoline
Kaynak: Invasive species
JPG | Cannabis growing as weed s at the foot of Dhaulagiri .All known strains of Cannabis are wind-pollinated and the fruit is an achene
Kaynak: Cannabis
was found to be effective It is sold to control broadleaf weed s in corn but also seems to be an effective control for crabgrass in lawn s.
Kaynak: Allelopathy
The BBCH-scale (weed) identifies the phenological development stages of weed species. It is a plant species specific version of the BBCH-
Kaynak: BBCH-scale (weed)

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