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weft ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

weft anlamı
1) atkı
2) atkı
3) argaç

"weft" için örnek kullanımlar

The warp is beige cotton and the weft is red silk.
Çözgü bej pamuk ve atkı kırmızı ipek.
Kaynak: washingtonpost.com
Cargill's tale is one of blood and mystery, which is dyed into the warp and weft of the tales of the Fae.
Cargill'in masalı Fae ve masalların çözgü ve atkı olarak boyanır kan ve gizem, biridir.
Kaynak: austinchronicle.com
In weaving the weft or woof is the term for the yarn which is drawn through the warp yarns to create cloth . while weft is the
Kaynak: Weft
The longitudinal threads are called the warp and the lateral threads are the weft or filling. (Weft or woof is an old English word
Kaynak: Weaving
The yarn that is inserted over-and-under the warp threads is called the weft , woof, or filler. Each individual warp thread in a fabric is
Kaynak: Warp (weaving)
Weft and warp knitting: Warp knitting. There are two major varieties of knitting: weft knitting and warp knitting In the more common weft
Kaynak: Knitting
The basic purpose of any loom is to hold the warp threads under tension to facilitate the interweaving of the weft threads.
Kaynak: Loom
Lampas is a type of luxury fabric with a background weft (a "ground weave") typically in taffeta with supplementary wefts (the "pattern
Kaynak: Lampas
the weft ); the warp threads are set up under tension on a loom, and the weft thread is passed back and forth across part or all of the warps.
Kaynak: Tapestry
Crinoline was originally a stiff fabric with a weft of horse-hair and a warp of cotton or linen thread . The fabric first appeared
Kaynak: Crinoline
A stationary package of yarn is used to supply the weft yarns in the rapier machine. a rapier, a rod or steel tape, carries the weft yarn.
Kaynak: Rapier loom
Drawn thread work is a form of counted-thread embroidery based on removing threads from the warp and/or the weft of a piece of even-
Kaynak: Drawn thread work
Even-weave fabric or canvas is any woven textile where the warp and weft thread s are of the same size. it crosses warp or weft threads.
Kaynak: Even-weave
The original meaning of the word shuttle is the device used in weaving to carry the weft. By reference to the continual to-and-fro motion
Kaynak: Shuttle
technique used to pattern textiles that employs a resist dyeing process similar to tie-dye on either the warp or weft fibre s prior to dyeing.
Kaynak: Ikat
production method which involves interlacing a set of longer threads (called the warp ) with a set of crossing threads (called the weft ).
Kaynak: Textile
Cretonne was originally a strong, white fabric with a hempen warp and linen weft. The word is sometimes said to be derived from Creton, a
Kaynak: Cretonne
A pirn is a rod onto which weft thread is wound for use in weaving . Unlike a bobbin , it is fixed in place, and the thread is delivered
Kaynak: Pirn
Music is a part of the warp and weft of the fabric of Nova Scotia 's cultural life. This deep and lasting love of music is expressed
Kaynak: Music of Nova Scotia
textile in which two or more sets of warp s and one or more sets of weft or filling yarn s are interconnected to form a two-layered cloth
Kaynak: Double cloth
A beater is a weaving tool designed to push the weft yarn securely into place. In small hand weaving such as Inkle weaving and tablet
Kaynak: Beater (weaving)

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