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worrisome ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

worrisome anlamı
1) endişe verici
2) can sıkıcı
3) üzücü
4) rahatsız
5) kaygılandıran
6) merakta bırakan
7) huzursuz

"worrisome" için örnek kullanımlar

The potential for Google to control the news flow is what he finds worrisome.
Haber akışını denetlemek için Google potansiyeli o endişe bulur budur.
Kaynak: zdnet.com
The loss to the Lakers was a little more worrisome for Pacer fans.
Lakers kaybı Pacer hayranları için biraz daha endişe verici idi.
Kaynak: rantsports.com
Besides, living in Manhattan is a little more worrisome for mom.
Ayrıca, Manhattan'da yaşayan anne için biraz daha endişe verici.
Kaynak: timesonline.com
Two separate injuries to his shooting arm are deeply worrisome.
Onun çekim koluna iki ayrı yaralanmalar derinden düşündürücü.
Kaynak: raptorsrapture.com
He was cast as timid, worrisome characters in many of his films, and is perhaps best known for his roles as Mr. Poppins in Frank Capra 's
Kaynak: Donald Meek
Breast cysts can be painful and may be worrisome but are generally benign . They are most common in pre-menopausal women in their 30s or
Kaynak: Breast cyst
The material surrounding the moderator receives a much smaller amount of neutron radiation, and from slower neutrons, and is not as worrisome.
Kaynak: Wigner effect
such as Sri Lanka, pesticide poisonings from short-term very high level of exposure (acute poisoning) is the most worrisome type of poisoning.
Kaynak: Pesticide poisoning
The organization was created in order "to evaluate the worrisome rise in anti-Israel activities on college campuses across North America"
Kaynak: Israel on Campus Coalition
a continuous net loss on income and transition to democracy since 1994 is worrisome to buyers if the state will continue funding this loss.
Kaynak: Denel
His music is considered avant-garde and refreshing, bright, flexible and with a personal worrisome of his cultural mark, all of these are
Kaynak: Francisco Zumaque
Malthus' conclusions regarding the geometric growth of populations and proposes that the growth of populations is a far less worrisome menace.
Kaynak: Law of Population
The Jordanian Foreign Ministry called for dialogue to end the crisis, saying, "What is happening in Syria now is worrisome, unfortunate and
Kaynak: International reactions to the Syrian civil war
Hezbollah is in a very worrisome position and the tribunal is just one symptom of this position. If there is movement towards peace in the
Kaynak: Special Tribunal for Lebanon
political and economic liberalism , in the governing of a Latin American country, was worrisome to American corporate and political interests
Kaynak: 1954 Guatemalan coup d'état
right and wrong, good and bad about the treatment of, perfection of, or unwelcome invasion of and worrisome manipulation of the human brain"
Kaynak: Neuroethics

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