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wrought ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

wrought anlamı
1) dövme
2) işlenmiş

"wrought" için örnek kullanımlar

The waters are rarely smooth, but the performances are beautifully wrought.
Suları nadiren düzgün, ancak performansları güzel dövme.
Kaynak: huffingtonpost.com
The devastation the Devils wrought on the Flyers was as quick as it was thorough.
Eksiksiz olarak Devils Flyers üzerine dövme yıkım gibi hızlı oldu.
Kaynak: metro.us
Still, what a wild and crazy and emotionally wrought couple of episodes it's been!
Yine de, bölüm hangi bir vahşi ve çılgın ve duygusal dövme çift o oldu!
Kaynak: tv.com
The distribution of funds is wrought with inefficiencies, corruption and leakages.
Fonların dağılımı verimsizlik, yolsuzluk ve kaçak ile dövme olduğunu.
Kaynak: eon.businesswire.com
"What hath God wrought" is a phrase from the Book of Numbers (Numbers 23:23) and may refer to:" "What hath God wrought", the first message
Kaynak: What hath God wrought
The Moseley Wrought Iron Arch Bridge, also known as the Upper Pacific Mills Bridge, is a historic, riveted, wrought iron bridge now
Kaynak: Moseley Wrought Iron Arch Bridge

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