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xenophobic ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

"xenophobic" için örnek kullanımlar

It just comes off as xenophobic and plays into the worst stereotypes.
Sadece kötü kalıplaşmış içine yabancı düşmanı ve çalış olarak kapalı geliyor.
Kaynak: cagesideseats.com
Wow, just four comments, and three of them are racist/xenophobic.
Wow, sadece dört açıklamalar ve üçü yabancı düşmanı ırkçı / vardır.
Kaynak: sports.yahoo.com
Who knew a xenophobic old man wouldn't be a hit immediately?
Kim bir yabancı düşmanı yaşlı adam hemen bir hit olmayacağını biliyordu?
Kaynak: bleacherreport.com
A xenophobic person has to genuinely think or believe at some level that the target is in fact a foreigner. This arguably separates
Kaynak: Xenophobia
expectations, the incidence of xenophobia increased Between 2000 and March 2008 at least 67 people died in what were identified as xenophobic attacks.
Kaynak: Xenophobia in South Africa
However the country has no effective restrictions on xenophobic actions, and foreign nationals are sometimes restricted from certain
Kaynak: Ethnic issues in Japan
are an extremely xenophobic and isolationist society in Frank Herbert 's science fiction Dune universe . Genetic manipulators who
Kaynak: Bene Tleilax
From August 22–24, 1992 violent xenophobic riot s took place in the Lichtenhagen district of Rostock , Germany; these were the worst mob
Kaynak: Riot of Rostock-Lichtenhagen
Franz Fuchs (12 December 1949 Gralla , Austria - 26 February 2000 Graz , Austria ) was a xenophobic Austrian terrorist . Between 1993
Kaynak: Franz Fuchs
The Progress Party (Framstegspartiet, FsP) was a minor Swedish xenophobic and populist political party that existed in various forms from
Kaynak: Progress Party (Sweden)
The Riot of Hoyerswerda was a xenophobic riot in Hoyerswerda , a town in the east of Saxony , Germany , from September 17 to 23, 1991.
Kaynak: Riot of Hoyerswerda
Convention , addressing materials and "acts of racist or xenophobic nature committed through computer networks," was proposed by some member States.
Kaynak: Additional Protocol to the Convention on Cybercrime
cybercrime concerning the criminalization of acts of a racist and xenophobic nature committed through computer systems (January 28, 2003).
Kaynak: Computer crime in Canada
The Renaissance, Enlightenment and imperialist eras led to a series of increasingly xenophobic and non-religious expressions of anti-
Kaynak: Antisemitism in Europe
a group of supervillains calling themselves the "Justice League of Earth", which help to enforce a xenophobic agenda that Earth has adopted.
Kaynak: Kirt Niedrigh
addressing materials and "acts of racist or xenophobic nature committed through computer networks"; it was negotiated from late 2001 to
Kaynak: Historical revisionism (negationism)
that were widely condemned as praising Nazi policies or as being xenophobic or anti-Semitic Several countries imposed mild diplomatic
Kaynak: Jörg Haider
He is currently performing for WWE as Zeb Colter, the xenophobic manager of Jack Swagger . Keown debuted in 1973. While he primarily
Kaynak: Dutch Mantel
According to academic sources, the group is racist and xenophobic while the party's leader has openly identified it as nationalist and racist
Kaynak: Golden Dawn (Greece)
In situations where the nativistic movement exists inside of dominant culture it tends to be associated with xenophobic and
Kaynak: Nativism (politics)

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