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yearning ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

yearning anlamı
1) özlem
2) arzu
3) hasret
1) arzulu
2) özlem dolu
3) hasretli

"yearning" için örnek kullanımlar

Some of it comes from Wildeís Jane yearning to be more than an assistant.
Bazıları asistan daha fazla olması Wildeís Jane özlem geliyor.
Kaynak: ardmoreite.com
Will collaborating with Michôd get him the street cred he's been yearning for?
Michôd işbirliği sokakta o özlemi olmuştur cred onu alır mısın?
Kaynak: news.moviefone.com
I was yearning to tell a story that was a dialogue with the West.
Ben Batı ile diyalog bir hikaye anlatmak için özlem oldu.
Kaynak: asianage.com
Her every grimace, pout and smile conveys oceans of yearning.
Onun face, surat asmak ve gülümseme her özlem okyanuslar aktarıyor.
Kaynak: sfexaminer.com
Drang nach Osten (German for "yearning for the East "thrust toward the East "push eastward "drive toward the East or "desire to push East
Kaynak: Drang nach Osten
Sehnsucht (ˈzeːnzʊxt) is a German noun translated as "longing", "yearning", or "craving or in a wider sense a type of "intensely missing
Kaynak: Sehnsucht
Hangád (Tagalog : "yearning" or "desire") is an inspirational vocal ensemble known for songs like Pananatili and Panunumpâ (covered by
Kaynak: Hangad
William Shakespeare 's Sonnet 43 employs antithesis and paradox to highlight the speaker's yearning for his beloved and sadness in (most
Kaynak: Sonnet 43

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