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yowl ne demek?

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İngilizce - Türkçe

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"yowl" için örnek kullanımlar

Females in heat yowl and exhibit anxious behavior.
Isı yowl ve sergi endişeli davranış Dişiler.
Kaynak: lompocrecord.com
And while fire and brimstone creep around the edges, they're not delivered with the preacher's yowl Cave is typically known for.
Ateş ve kükürt kenarlarında sürünme ise vaiz yowl Mağarası genellikle bilinir ve onlar teslim ediyoruz.
Kaynak: messandnoise.com
characters while the animals go through their paces without speaking; they instead grunt, yowl, mumble, moan, and make various odd sounds and noises.
Kaynak: Maisy Mouse
Cat s - mew, purr , meow , hiss, yowl, caterwaul. Cattle - moo, low, bawl (calf), bellow (bull ), huff. Chaffinch - ow. Chicken s - cluck,
Kaynak: List of animal sounds
External links: com/local/article/The-yowl-of-the-suburbs-612669. php#page-2 The yowl of the suburbs. Times Union (2010-08-11).
Kaynak: Coyote
m-yowl nuh t-yenga | location Highland , | range Northwest Highlands | coordinates 56.9888 | 4.9309 | type:mountain_region:GB | display
Kaynak: Meall na Teanga
author Pound, Ezra; Agresti, Olivia Rossetti; Tryphonopoulos, Demetres P.; Surette, Leon | title"I cease not to yowl": Ezra Pound's letters
Kaynak: Olivia Rossetti Agresti
name Cheeseburger | image | caption Lead singer Joe Bradley mid-yowl | image_size 225 | background group_or_band | alias | origin Brooklyn
Kaynak: Cheeseburger (band)

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