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yttrium ne demek?

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yttrium anlamı
1) itriyum

"yttrium" için örnek kullanımlar

Rare earth metals present on the Moon include yttrium, lanthanum and samarium.
Ay mevcut Nadir toprak metalleri itriyum, lantan ve samaryum içerir.
Kaynak: designbuildsource.com.au
TREO includes: 0.37 million tonnes heavy REO, 0.84 million tonnes yttrium oxide.
TREO içerir: 0.37 milyon ton ağır REO, 0.84 milyon ton itriyum oksit.
Kaynak: proactiveinvestors.com.au
Among them are yttrium, lanthanum and samarium.
Bunlar arasında, itriyum, lantan ve samaryum vardır.
Kaynak: smh.com.au
Elliot Lake was once the major source of heavy rare earth, yttrium and uranium production in North America.
Elliot Lake kez ağır nadir toprak, itriyum ve Kuzey Amerika'da uranyum üretiminin ana kaynağı oldu.
Kaynak: marketwire.com
Yttrium-90, yttrium | 90, is a medically significant isotope of yttrium Yttrium-90 has a wide and valuable use in radiation therapy to
Kaynak: Yttrium-90
Natural yttrium (Y) is composed of only one isotope 89 Y. The most stable radioisotope s are 88 Y which has a half-life of 106.65 days
Kaynak: Isotopes of yttrium
Yttrium boride refers to a crystalline material composed of different proportions of yttrium and boron, such as YB 2, YB 4, YB 6, YB 12, YB
Kaynak: Yttrium borides
Yttrium aluminium garnet (YAG, Y 3 Al 5 O 12) is a synthetic crystal line material of the garnet group. other two being yttrium
Kaynak: Yttrium aluminium garnet
Yttrium(III) chloride (YCl 3) is an ionic compound of yttrium and chlorine . It is a salt that is solid at room temperature, highly
Kaynak: Yttrium(III) chloride
specifically the fifteen lanthanide s plus scandium and yttrium Scandium and yttrium are considered rare earth elements since they tend
Kaynak: Rare earth element
Yttrium nitride, YN, is a nitride of yttrium . Yttrium nitride is hard ceramic material similar to titanium nitride and zirconium nitride
Kaynak: Yttrium nitride
Yttrium phosphate, YPO 4, is a phosphate of yttrium It occures in nature as mineral xenotime . References : Phosphates Category:Yttrium compounds
Kaynak: Yttrium phosphate
Neodymium-doped yttrium orthovanadate (Nd:YVO 4) is a crystal line material formed by adding neodymium ions to yttrium orthovanadate .
Kaynak: Neodymium-doped yttrium orthovanadate

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