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Zairian ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

"Zairian" için örnek kullanımlar

These forces allied with the Zairian armed forces (FAZ) to launch a campaign against Congolese ethnic Tutsis in eastern Zaire A coalition
Kaynak: Democratic Republic of the Congo
weaknesses (which extend to this day One problem was that some of the Zairian soldiers in the area had not received pay for extended periods.
Kaynak: Military of the Democratic Republic of the Congo
Zairian Socialist Party. (Parti Socialiste Zaïrois. was a Zairian political party , based in exile. The general secretary of the party was
Kaynak: Zairian Socialist Party
Congolese nationalism of Congo-Kinshasa, also historically known as Zairian nationalism during the rule of Mobutu Sese Seko , refers to
Kaynak: Congolese nationalism (Congo-Kinshasa)
or MPR) was a Zairian political party established on May 20, 1967 by then- President Joseph-Désiré Mobutu (later called Mobutu Sese Seko
Kaynak: Popular Movement of the Revolution
Shaba II was an invasion of the Shaba separatist movement FNLC (6,500 Katangese gendarmes ) into the Zairian province of Shaba on 11 May
Kaynak: Shaba II
Zairian painter Tshibumba Kanda Matulu, for example, allegedly said it was used as a pejorative epithet by francophone colonialists in
Kaynak: Macaca (term)
The FNLC made quick progress through the region, due to sympathizing locals and to the disorganization of the Zairian military (Forces
Kaynak: Shaba I
However, Mobutu's authoritarian rule and policies allowed the Zairian state to decay, evidenced by a 65% decrease in Zairian GDP between
Kaynak: First Congo War
By March the FNLA from northern Angola was driving on Luanda joined by units of the Zairian army which the US had encouraged Mobutu to
Kaynak: Cuban intervention in Angola
two Zairian Army battalions led by the 7th Battalion's commander Colonel Mamina Lama and about 50 South African troops under the command
Kaynak: Battle of Quifangondo
It aimed at rescuing European and Zairian hostages held by Katangese rebels after they conquered the city of Kolwezi . The operation
Kaynak: Battle of Kolwezi
continued even after he left Zaire; shortly after retiring from the State Department , he joined a law firm representing the Zairian government.
Kaynak: Sheldon B. Vance
Eleven senior Zairian generals and several civilians were arrested while a former head of the Central Bank was condemned (in absentia).
Kaynak: Foreign policy of Mobutu Sese Seko
Mobutism encompassed and glorified the thoughts, visions, and policies of Zairian president and self-proclaimed "Father of the Nation",
Kaynak: Mobutism

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