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Zoroastrian ne demek?

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Zoroastrian anlamı

"Zoroastrian" için örnek kullanımlar

Most other sources believe that they were Zoroastrian priests from Persia who were experts in astrology.
Çoğu diğer kaynaklar onlar astroloji uzman olan İran'dan Zerdüşt rahipler olduğunu inanıyorum.
Kaynak: religion.blogs.cnn.com
They host annual Japanese, Chinese, Persian Zoroastrian and Indian Diwali festivals, weddings, bar mitzvahs, classes, seminars and even corporate events.
Onlar yıllık Japonca, Çince, Farsça Zerdüşt ve Hint Diwali festivaller, düğün, bar mitzvalar, sınıflar, seminerler ve hatta kurumsal organizasyonlara ev sahipliği.
Kaynak: mercurynews.com
What we discovered during the course of the program was that the Zoroastrian Persians refer to their gods as 'ahuras' and demons as 'daevas,' the opposite of the Indian pantheon.
Ne programı sırasında keşfedilen Zerdüşt Persler 'ahuras' ve şeytanlar gibi tanrılarına bakın oldu 'daevas,' Hint panteonunun tersi.
Kaynak: blogs.wsj.com
The judgment was passed following an appeal by a Parsi woman married to a Punjabi, who contended that since she was a practising Zoroastrian, she shouldn't be barred from performing the rituals and customs of the religion.
Kararı o alıştırmalar Zerdüşt beri iddia Punjabi, evli bir Parsi kadın tarafından bir itiraz sonrasında geçti, o ritüeller ve dini geleneklerini performans men edilmemelidir.
Kaynak: newindianexpress.com
Most of his life is known through the Zoroastrian texts. The language spoken by Zoroaster, Old Avestan , used for composing the Yasna
Kaynak: Zoroaster
This article treats of the reckoning of days, months and years in the calendar used by adherents of the Zoroastrian faith . Zoroastrian
Kaynak: Zoroastrian calendar
is the Avestan language term (corresponding to Middle Persian frašagird ) for the Zoroastrian doctrine of a final renovation of the
Kaynak: Frashokereti
Persecution of Zoroastrians was the religious persecution inflicted upon the followers of the Zoroastrian faith. Zoroastrians occurred
Kaynak: Persecution of Zoroastrians
A Parsi or Parsee (icon | ˈ | p | ɑr | s | iː) is a member of the larger of the two Zoroastrian communities in India and Pakistan , a
Kaynak: Parsi
Zoroastrianism has numerous festivals and holy days, all of which are bound to the Zoroastrian calendar . The Shahenshahi and Kadmi
Kaynak: Zoroastrian festivals
A fire temple in Zoroastrianism is the place of worship for Zoroastrian s. Zoroastrians revere fire in any form. In the Zoroastrian
Kaynak: Fire temple
Yazata is the Avestan language word for a Zoroastrian concept. The word has a wide range of meanings but generally signifies (or is an
Kaynak: Yazata
Zoroastrian music is a genre of religious music that accompanies religious and traditional rites among the Zoroastrian people.
Kaynak: Zoroastrian music
Other Zoroastrian religious texts: Only texts preserved in the Avestan language count as scripture and are part of the Avesta.
Kaynak: Avesta
Atar- (Avestan ātar) is the Zoroastrian concept of holy fire , sometimes described in abstract terms as "burning and unburning fire" or "
Kaynak: Atar
Zoroastrian weddings are a religious ceremony in Zoroastrianism in which two individuals, a man and a woman are united. In Zoroastrianism
Kaynak: Zoroastrian wedding
Zoroastrian Empire may refer to empires with Zoroastrianism as the state religion: Achaemenid Empire Arsacid Empire Sassanid Empire
Kaynak: Zoroastrian Empire
Zoroastrian cosmology is divided in four periods of 3,000 years. Zoroaster was born in the beginning of the fourth period, to be succeeded
Kaynak: Zoroastrian cosmology

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