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effort ne demek?

 - 2 sözlük, 2 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

effort anlamı
1) çaba
2) gayret
3) girişim
4) deneme
5) uğraşma
6) eser
7) çabalama
8) başarı

Türkçede Batı Kökenli Kelimeler Sözlüğü

effort anlamı Fr.effort
Efor:§ "Şiirlerin ve mısraların kısalığı da kendi başına, gençlikte ceht (effort) azlığının kesin bir işareti sayılmaz." -Peyami Safa, Sanat-Edebiyat-Tenkit, 61.

"effort" için örnek kullanımlar

Hamit Altintop could have doubled the home sides score minutes later however, his effort rebounded off the cross bar.
Hamit Altintop could have doubled the home sides score minutes later however, his effort rebounded off the cross bar.
Kaynak: turkish-football.com
What are ability and effort? | Image1 Oh My Goddess 1x17. png | Caption1 Sora Hasegawa | Episode Code 1x17 | Episode Length 24.5 dk. |
Kaynak: Ah! What are ability and effort?
org/wiki/Best_effort_delivery best-effort delivery ) modeli üzerinde çalışır. Bilgi bütünlüğü içeren bu yönleri bir üst katman (İngilizce
Kaynak: IPv4
A Technological Topinstitute is a research institute that is a combined effort of different universities, commercial entities and the
Kaynak: Eindhoven Teknik Üniversitesi
These changes highlight Sony's effort to improve upon the lessons learned during the development, production and release of the PS3.
Kaynak: PlayStation 4
An immense salvage effort was undertaken to harvest downed pine trees for pulpwood before they deteriorated to the point where they could
Kaynak: Hugo Kasırgası
com/2006/04/01/joint-effort-to-solve-plight-of-street-children/ | başlık World Street Children News : Joint effort to solve plight of
Kaynak: Sokak çocukları
Duisburg in less than 24 hours, but there was still effort to spare for No 5 Group to attack Brunswick with 233 Lancasters and 7 Mosquitos.
Kaynak: Braunschweig bombardımanı (15 Ekim 1944)
the intention is to apply within the shortest practical period the maximum effort of the Royal Air Force Bomber Command and the 8th
Kaynak: Hurricane Harekâtı (1944)
res F50D11FC3D5A11738DDDA90A94DD405B888DF1D3 "In March 1918, in an effort to seize Baku from local Muslim forces, Soviet Bolsheviks made a
Kaynak: Mart Olayları
successor to the older DragonDictate product, and appears to be the focus of all their current development effort (in the dictation area).
Kaynak: Konuşma metinleştirici (yazılım)
Notably, Tolkien claimed that this was not his first effort in invented languages Shortly thereafter he developed a true invented language
Kaynak: J. R. R. Tolkien Tarafından Oluşturulan Yapay Diller

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