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effluvium ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

"effluvium" için örnek kullanımlar

This phenomenon is known as telogen effluvium.
Bu fenomen telojen olarak bilinir.
Kaynak: sciencealert.com.au
Your effluvium is all over the place!
Sizin effluvium biryere olduğunu!
Kaynak: ghanaweb.com
Or at least they were, but now have probably been reassigned to nose around for radioactive effluvium from a nuclear test by a despotic neighbor.
Ya da en azından onlar, ama şimdi muhtemelen bir despotik komşusu tarafından bir nükleer testten radyoaktif effluvium etrafında Burnu tayin edildi.
Kaynak: mcknights.com
Telogen effluvium is a scalp disorder characterized by the thinning or shedding of hair resulting from the early entry of hair in the
Kaynak: Telogen effluvium
Anagen effluvium is the pathologic loss of anagen or growth-phase hairs. Classically, it is caused by radiation therapy to the head and
Kaynak: Anagen effluvium
Androgenic alopecia, alopecia areata , and telogen effluvium are the primary nonscarring alopecias The most common cause of hair loss in
Kaynak: Management of baldness
Causes: Anagen effluvium Androgenetic alopecia Dermatopathia pigmentosa reticularis Telogen effluvium Trichotillomania (Trichotillosis)
Kaynak: Noncicatricial alopecia
Conditions of the skin appendages: Anagen effluvium Androgenic alopecia (Androgenetic alopecia) Anhidrosis (Hypohidrosis) Anonychia
Kaynak: List of cutaneous conditions
resting phase each day and fall out When more than 100 hairs fall out per day, clinical hair loss (telogen effluvium ) may occur date June 2012.
Kaynak: Alopecia
He recognized that friction with these objects removed a so-called effluvium, which would cause the attraction effect in returning to
Kaynak: William Gilbert (astronomer)
hair and scalp diseases (including alopecia areata , androgenic alopecia , telogen effluvium and cicatricial alopecia ) based on trichoscopy.
Kaynak: Trichoscopy
This condition is called telogen effluvium The club hair is the final product of a hair follicle in the telogen stage, and is a dead,
Kaynak: Hair follicle
One, proposed by Empedocles of Acragas and taken up by Plato and Plutarch , invoked an invisible effluvium seeping through the pores of
Kaynak: History of geomagnetism
Traumas such as childbirth, major surgery, poisoning, and severe stress may cause a hair loss condition known as telogen effluvium in
Kaynak: Baldness
telogen effluvium | cardiac arrest | hypokalemia | death | last1 Joyce | first1 JM | last2 Warren | first2 DL | last3 Humphries |
Kaynak: Eating disorder
A larger number of grafts can compensate for the shedding that frequently accompanies a hair transplant, called telogen effluvium,
Kaynak: Follicular unit transplantation

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