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efflorescence ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

efflorescence anlamı
1) tozlaşma
2) çiçek açma
3) gelişip olgunlaşma
4) derinin kızarması

"efflorescence" için örnek kullanımlar

It not only endured but also attained efflorescence over a period of time.
Bu katlanmış değil, aynı zamanda belirli bir süre boyunca tozlaşma elde sadece.
Kaynak: asianage.com
There was a new efflorescence in Indian writing that has now reached a plateau.
Şimdi bir plato ulaştı Hint yazılı yeni bir çiçeklenme vardı.
Kaynak: twocircles.net
So why the recent efflorescence of figurative painting?
Peki neden figüratif resmin son çiçeklenme?
Kaynak: guardian.co.uk
The botanical team includes more than two dozen workers that get the colorful efflorescence planted within two weeks; and much of the flora was shipped to North Texas all the way from Holland.
Botanik ekip iki hafta içinde dikilen renkli çiçeklenme olsun iki düzineden fazla işçi içerir ve çok floranın Kuzey Teksas Hollanda'dan için tüm yol sevk edildi.
Kaynak: nbcdfw.com
In chemistry , efflorescence (which means "to flower out" in French) is the loss of water (or a solvent) of crystallization from a hydrate
Kaynak: Efflorescence
Bynesian decay is a form of efflorescence of salts formed by the reaction of acid ic vapors with the basic shell surface.
Kaynak: Byne's disease
tend to lose their color in relatively short time which can be costly to replace or clean and is mainly due to the problem of efflorescence .
Kaynak: Permeable paving
org/wiki/efflorescence efflorescence of the New York underground rock scene at the CBGB club will live on past the present moment
Kaynak: Metropolis Video
The two commonest effects are efflorescence and spalling . Salts that expand on crystallization in capillary gaps can cause surface
Kaynak: Stone sealer
Efflorescence of glazing: In the self-glazing process of efflorescence, the glazing materials, in the form of water-soluble alkali salts, are
Kaynak: Egyptian faience
the acknowledged “Dean”—of the Harlem Renaissance, a period of cultural efflorescence connected with the “New Negro” movement from 1919–1934.
Kaynak: Alain LeRoy Locke
Nitrocalcite is the name for a mineral which is a hydrated calcium nitrate that forms as an efflorescence where manure contacts concrete
Kaynak: Calcium nitrate
It occurs as colorless to white, soft isometric crystals and efflorescence coatings Rare crystals are octahedral in form if occurring as
Kaynak: Alum-(K)
It is found only as an efflorescence in very dry environments. It is very soluble in water such that it is deliquescent and will absorb
Kaynak: Nitratine
It also occurs in dry cave s and old mine workings as an efflorescence and as a crusty deposit around fumarole s. It occurs in volcanic
Kaynak: Thenardite
It occurs as a hot spring and saline lake precipitate or efflorescence ; in differentiated alkalic massif s; in fluid inclusions as a
Kaynak: Nahcolite
pyrite by weathering forms sulfuric acid , which acts on potash and alumina constituents to form alum , often efflorescence s on the rock.
Kaynak: Alum shale
SPACE's founding in 1968, with temporary studios in St Katharine Docks , initiated an efflorescence of artist studio complexes in East End
Kaynak: SPACE (studios)
marked by an efflorescence of Vaishnava poetry often focusing on the Radha -Krishna legend. The term padAvalI (also written padaabali)
Kaynak: Vaishnava Padavali
5 (1692), of Giuseppe Torelli , this genre enjoyed an efflorescence that extended until about 1740. Types: Most ripieno concertos fall into
Kaynak: Ripieno concerto
atmosphere of naturally occurring salt mines and caves in artificially created halotherapy (Halos – efflorescence of salt ) chambers/rooms.
Kaynak: Halogenerator

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