dergi Science | tarih 1901-02-15 | cilt 13 | sayfalar 268–270 | son Renouf | ilk Edward | başlık Noble
gases | doi 10.1126/
Kaynak: Soy gazdoğalgaz dan elde edilen LPG (liquefied petrolium
gases) sıvılaştırılmış petrol gazının araçlarda yakıt olarak kullanılan formuna verilen isimdir.
Kaynak: Otogazedu/Inorganic_Chemistry/Descriptive_Chemistry/Main_Group_Elements/Group_18%3A_The_Noble_
Gases | erişimtarihi 19 Kasım 2012 . noble
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Kaynak: Soy gaz bileşiğiWilliam J. Humphreys: Volcanic dust and other factors in the production of climatic changes, and their possible relation to ice
gases, in:
Kaynak: Volkanik kışjournal Science | date 1901-02-15 | volume 13 | pages 268–270 | last Renouf | first Edward | title Noble
gases | doi 10.1126/
Kaynak: Hugo ErdmannSometimes, emission of combustible
gases from swamps (e.g., methane ) has a similar effect. For instance, methane explosions enforced the
Kaynak: Ateş fırtınasıorg/10.1016/j.jqsrt.2004.07.025 Direct measurement of the Rayleigh scattering cross section in various
gases. Journal of Quantitative
Kaynak: Rayleigh saçılımı26ndsp%3D18%26um%3D1%26hl%3Dtr%26sa%3DN Churchward's hypothetical geological structure of hydrocarbon
gases underlying the lost continent of Mu .
Kaynak: Mu