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gaseous ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

gaseous anlamı
1) gaz
2) gazlı
3) gaz gibi
4) boş

"gaseous" için örnek kullanımlar

Artist's conception of two extrasolar moons orbiting a giant gaseous planet.
Dev bir gaz gezegeni yörüngesinde iki güneşdışı uyduları Sanatçının anlayışı.
Kaynak: openminds.tv
The water plant would also switch from gaseous chlorine to a liquid bleach system.
Su bitki ayrıca gaz klor bir sıvı ağartıcı sistemine geçmek istiyorum.
Kaynak: news-gazette.com
Amid it all is a voice that's just another gorgeous, gaseous spectre in the mist/mix.
Tüm Amid sis / karışımı sadece başka muhteşem, gazlı hayaleti olan bir sestir.
Kaynak: guardian.co.uk
Expect lots of funky gaseous emissions as microbes start going to town on its contents.
Mikroplar, onun içeriği üzerine şehre gidiş başlar gibi korkak gaz emisyonları sürü bekliyoruz.
Kaynak: news24.com
The gaseous state of matter is found between the liquid and plasma states the latter of which provides the upper temperature boundary for
Kaynak: Gas
Gaseous diffusion is a technology used to produce enriched uranium by forcing gaseous uranium hexafluoride (UF 6) through semipermeable
Kaynak: Gaseous diffusion
Thus the observable portions are gaseous (in contrast to Mars and Earth, which have gaseous atmospheres through which the crust may be
Kaynak: Gas giant
A dielectric gas, or insulating gas, is a dielectric material in gaseous state. Its main purpose is to prevent or rapidly quench electric
Kaynak: Dielectric gas
The gaseous detection device-GDD is a method and apparatus for the detection of signals in the gaseous environment of an environmental
Kaynak: Gaseous detection device
Fuel gas is any one of a number of fuel s that under ordinary conditions are gaseous . Many fuel gases are composed of hydrocarbons (such
Kaynak: Fuel gas
A gas nuclear reactor (or gas fueled reactor) is a nuclear reactor in which the nuclear fuel is in a gaseous state rather than liquid or
Kaynak: Gaseous fission reactor
The terms galactic corona and gaseous corona have been used in the first decade of the 21st century to describe a hot, ion ised, gaseous
Kaynak: Galactic corona
Gas core reactor rockets are a conceptual type of rocket that is propelled by the exhausted coolant of a gaseous fission reactor .
Kaynak: Gas core reactor rocket
Tritium illumination is the use of gaseous tritium , a radioactive isotope of hydrogen , to create visible light. Tritium emits electron
Kaynak: Tritium illumination
A low voltage current is run through the water, and gaseous oxygen forms at the anode while gaseous hydrogen forms at the cathode .
Kaynak: Hydrogen
K-25 is a former uranium enrichment facility of the Manhattan Project which used the gaseous diffusion method. The plant is located in
Kaynak: K-25
Planetary nebula e form from the gaseous shells that are ejected from low-mass asymptotic giant branch stars when they transform into white
Kaynak: Nebula
Another form of evaporation is sublimation , by which water molecules become gaseous directly, leaving the surface of ice without first
Kaynak: Water vapor

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