Reformists are unlikely to be allowed to run unless they distance themselves from Mir Hossein Mousaviand Mehdi Karoubi, who lost out in the 2009 election and who have been under house
arrest for more than two years for "seditious acts".
Reformists are unlikely to be allowed to run unless they Mousaviand distance Themselves from Mir Hossein Mehdi Karoubi, who lost out in the 2009 election and who have been under house arrest for more than two years for "seditious acts".
Kaynak: english.ruvr.ruKardiyak
arrest, kardiyopulmoner
arrest veya dolaşım durması, kalbin pompalama işlevinin durması veya bitmesidir. kardiyak
arrest, miyokard
Kaynak: Kardiyak arresteu/articles/raoul-wallenbergs-
arrest-order-signed-by-bulganin-in-january-1945/ Raoul Wallenberg's
arrest order, signed by Bulganin in
Kaynak: Raoul WallenbergÖlüm genellikle kalp durmasından (kardiyak
arrest) veya beyin ölümünden dolayı gerçekleşir. Çoğu kişi tarafından bu idam şekli en çok acı
Kaynak: Elektrikli sandalyecom/artists/bigl/articles/story/5921403/
Arrest Made in Big L Case. Rolling Stone . 17 Mayıs 1999. 2008-11-11
Kaynak: Big Ljpg Aerial view of Inya Lake, Suu Kyi's home (marked with a circle) and the location of Yettaw's
arrest (marked with a box) Kategori:1955
Kaynak: John Yettawtitle Microsoft Collaborates With Industry to Disrupt Conficker Worm (Microsoft offers $250,000 reward for Conficker
arrest and conviction.) |
Kaynak: Conficker"Growth inhibition and G1 cell cycle
arrest mediated by 25-methoxyhispidol A, a novel triterpenoid, isolated from the fruit of Poncirus
Kaynak: Poncirus trifoliata