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arrears ne demek?

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İngilizce - Türkçe

arrears anlamı
1) borç
2) bakiye
3) kalan
4) ödemesi gecikmiş borçlar

"arrears" için örnek kullanımlar

The number of households experiencing mortgage arrears also fell.
Mortgage borçları yaşayan hane sayısı da düştü.
Kaynak: stockmarketwire.com
Salary arrears: Obuh gets part payment, joins F/Eagles in Cairo.
Maaş borçları: Obuh, kısmi ödeme alır Kahire F / Eagles katıldı.
Kaynak: tribune.com.ng
Landlords looking to maximise occupancy and avoid arrears.
Doluluk maksimize etmek ve borçlarını önlemek isteyen ev sahipleri.
Kaynak: property-magazine.eu
Nearly 12% of residential mortgages are now in arrears.
Konut ipotek yaklaşık% 12'si borçları artık.
Kaynak: newstalk.ie
Military unrest occurred in Guinea in late May 2008 as soldiers of the Military of Guinea demanded wage arrears. In the capital, Conakry
Kaynak: 2008 Guinean military unrest
6 September 1643 Ordinance to levy arrears of assessments in the County of Suffolk. 6 September 1643 Order for Lieut. Colonel Owen Rowe to
Kaynak: List of Ordinances and Acts of the Parliament of England, 1642–1660
The letter suggested that the army, discontented over pay that was in arrears and a lack of funding for promised pensions, should take
Kaynak: Newburgh Conspiracy
Mortgage approvals have dropped to 1971 levels As of December 2012, more than 28% of Irish mortgages are in arrears or have been
Kaynak: Irish property bubble
It was seen as a major triumph for Irish nationalism as it managed to win abatement for tenant rent-arrears from the Government at the
Kaynak: Kilmainham Treaty
tenant and the remainderman in the proportion that the amount due for the arrears of interest bears to the amount due in respect of principal.
Kaynak: Re Atkinson
The U.S. arrears issue: Arrearage. The UN has always had problems with members refusing to pay the assessment levied upon them under the United
Kaynak: United States and the United Nations
Bank arrears: Kingfisher Airlines had not paid some bankers (Lenders) as per the Debt Recast Package (DRP) with lending banks.
Kaynak: History of Kingfisher Airlines
LOANS Loans are provided for rental arrears and /or hydro arrears to low-income borrowers. The maximum amount of a loan for a family is $1
Kaynak: Rent bank
noncompliant parents who are more than $2500 in arrears may be denied passports under the Passport Denial Program Australia, Austria, and
Kaynak: Child support
Nevertheless, he was ordered to collect the arrears, which stood at £404 In April 1640, Whitehead was elected Member of Parliament for
Kaynak: Richard Whitehead (Hampshire MP)
Once Ibrahim had gained control over Egypt he demanded the baqt be resumed and the payment of all arrears. In an attempt to reduce these
Kaynak: Georgios I of Makuria
programme had been realised, were cashiered without arrears of pay, which was the threat that had been used to quell the Corkbush Field mutiny .
Kaynak: Bishopsgate mutiny
stock exist, common stock holders cannot be paid dividend s until all preferred stock dividends (including payments in arrears) are paid in full.
Kaynak: Common stock
Wage arrears accumulated rapidly between 1994 and 1998, accounting to 275% of the monthly wage bill of employees in receipt of wage arrears.”
Kaynak: Gender pay gap in Russia
religious toleration; and the payment of pay arrears to members of the army, and that the army would be recommissioned into service under the crown.
Kaynak: Declaration of Breda
facility give a fixed amount of credit and are discarded when used up; rechargeable cards can be topped up, or collect payment in arrears .
Kaynak: Telephone card

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