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abacus ne demek?

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İngilizce - Türkçe

abacus anlamı
1) abaküs
2) sütun başlığı
3) sayı boncuğu

"abacus" için örnek kullanımlar

When they tried to do complicated math, they used an abacus or counting board.
Onlar karmaşık matematik yapmaya çalıştım, onlar bir abaküs veya sayma tahtası kullanılır.
Kaynak: tampabay.com
Moreover, he invented a type of abacus for multiplication called Napier's Bones.
Üstelik, Napier Bones denilen çarpma için abaküs bir tür icat etti.
Kaynak: scotsman.com
He also talked about the abacus, where information is physicaly embodied with beads.
Ayrıca bilgi physicaly boncuklar ile somutlaşan abaküs, konuştuk.
Kaynak: wired.co.uk
Still doesn't know what to make of the abacus.
Hala abaküs ne yapacağını bilmiyor.
Kaynak: blogs.orlandoweekly.com
The abacus (plural abaci or abacuses), also called a counting frame, is a calculating tool used primarily in parts of Asia for performing
Kaynak: Abacus
In architecture , an abacus (from the Greek abax, slab; or French abaque, tailloir; plural abacuses or abaci) is a flat slab forming the
Kaynak: Abacus (architecture)
The Romans developed the Roman hand abacus , a portable, but less capable, base-10 version of the previous Babylonia n abacus.
Kaynak: Roman abacus
is an abacus of Chinese origin first described in a 190 CE book of the Eastern Han Dynasty , namely Supplementary Notes on the Art of
Kaynak: Suanpan
Abacus is a Latin word that has its origins in the Greek words abax or abacus (meaning "table" or "tablet") which in turn, possibly
Kaynak: Abacus system
A logical abacus is a mechanical digital computer . Image:William Stanley Jevons Logic Piano. jpg | Logic Piano the logical abacus is
Kaynak: Logical abacus
The nano-abacus is a nano-sized abacus developed by IBM scientists. Stable rows made up of ten molecule s act as the railings of the abacus.
Kaynak: Nano-abacus
An abacus is a counting frame. Abacus may also refer to: Abacus (architecture), a flat slab forming the uppermost member or division of
Kaynak: Abacus (disambiguation)
Abacus or abaco refers to calculations, especially the subject of direct calculations, using Hindu numerals without the help of the abacus
Kaynak: Abacus school

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