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accessor ne demek?

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accessor anlamı

"accessor" için örnek kullanımlar

Next, he gathered documentation from the courts and tax accessor.
Daha sonra, mahkemeler ve vergi erişimci gelen belgeleri topladı.
Kaynak: thecoastnews.com
Often a "setter" is accompanied by a "getter" (also known as an accessor), which returns the value of the private member variable.
Kaynak: Mutator method
An 'accessor' method is a method that is usually small, simple and provides the sole means for the state of an object to be accessed
Kaynak: Method (computer programming)
species_authority Kellogg, 1911 | binomial †Castor californicus | synonyms †Castor accessor Hay , 1927 | range_map Castor californicus map.
Kaynak: Castor californicus
be used to read from or write to the field rather than accessing the field directly. Sometimes these accessor method s are called getX
Kaynak: Field encapsulation
The get and set accessors are called as methods using the parameter list of the indexer declaration, but the set accessor still has the
Kaynak: Indexer (programming)
nl/retroboeken/blnp/#source 1&page 417&accessor accessor_index Biografisch Lexicon voor de Geschiedenis van het Nederlands Protestantisme
Kaynak: Abraham de Vries (minister)
nl/retroboeken/nnbw/#source 4&page 655&accessor accessor_index Nieuw Nederlandsch Biografisch Woordenboek 4th part p.1297 (published 1918,
Kaynak: Abraham Teerlink
The wrapper class implements accessor methods or properties for each column in the table or view. This pattern is commonly used by object
Kaynak: Active record pattern
The method used to access an attribute is called an "accessor". Auto-accessors are methods that are created automatically, as the method
Kaynak: Perl 6
practice to access these private data members through the accessor methods, which helps keep categories more independent from the base class.
Kaynak: Objective-C
or data access object s is that a DTO does not have any behavior except for storage and retrieval of its own data (accessor s and mutator s).
Kaynak: Data transfer object
record of the Meetei Kings and of the Royal family of Manipur , regardless of the manner of accession to the throne or the accessor's origin.
Kaynak: Cheitharol Kumbaba

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