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accessory ne demek?

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accessory anlamı
1) aksesuar
2) yardımcı
3) eklenti
4) suç ortağı
5) yardakçı
1) yardımcı
2) suç ortaklığı eden

"accessory" için örnek kullanımlar

It'll be one hell of an expensive iPhone accessory, but the benefits may worth it.
Bu pahalı bir iPhone aksesuarı bir cehennem olacak, ama faydaları buna değer olabilir.
Kaynak: patentlyapple.com
SwingTip golf accessory connects your smartphone to your swing.
SwingTip golf aksesuar salıncak için akıllı bağlanır.
Kaynak: abc15.com
The company puts a new spin on the Average Joe accessory.
Şirket Ortalama Joe aksesuar yeni bir spin atıyor.
Kaynak: vibe.com
iPhone5 users can now enjoy extended battery life thanks to a new accessory made by Mophie.
iPhone5 kullanıcıları artık Mophie tarafından yapılan yeni bir aksesuar için uzun pil ömrü sayesinde keyfini çıkarabilirsiniz.
Kaynak: valuewalk.com
A fashion accessory is an item which is used to contribute, in a secondary manner, to the wearer's outfit . The term came into use in the
Kaynak: Fashion accessory
An accessory is a person who assists in the commission of a crime , but who does not actually participate in the commission of the crime as
Kaynak: Accessory (legal term)
In anatomy , the accessory nerve is a nerve that controls specific muscle s of the shoulder and neck. As part of it was formerly believed
Kaynak: Accessory nerve
A video game accessory is a distinct piece of hardware that is required to use a video game console , or one that enriches the video game's
Kaynak: Video game accessory
A Wine accessory is generally any equipment that may be used in the storing or serving of wine . Wine accessories include many items such
Kaynak: Wine accessory
An accessory fruit (sometimes called false fruit, spurious fruit, pseudofruit, or pseudocarp) is a fruit in which some of the flesh is
Kaynak: Accessory fruit
Adventures that appear as a part of a larger accessory are often referred to as scenarios. scenario, and accessory are hard to precisely
Kaynak: Adventure (Dungeons & Dragons)
A desk accessory (DA) is a small helper-type application that can be run concurrently with any other application on the system.
Kaynak: Desk accessory
Anauroch is an accessory for the fictional Forgotten Realms campaign setting for the second edition of the Advanced Dungeons & Dragons
Kaynak: Anauroch (accessory)
The agal (عقال, ar | ‘iqāl: "bond" or "rope"), also spelled iqal, egal or igal, is an accessory worn usually by Arab men. It is a black
Kaynak: Agal (accessory)
An accessory auricle is considered a developmental anomaly resulting from the persistence of a structure which variably recapitulates the
Kaynak: Accessory auricle

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