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adjacency ne demek?

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adjacency anlamı
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2) bitişik olma
3) civar

"adjacency" için örnek kullanımlar

"We think it's an interesting adjacency to what we do in our core business."
"Biz bizim temel iş ne ilginç bir bitişiklik olduğunu düşünüyorum."
Kaynak: cnbc.com
So the adjacency with our capabilities in insurance just makes sense for us.
Yani sigorta bizim yetenekleri ile bitişiklik sadece bizim için mantıklı.
Kaynak: seekingalpha.com
Accelerate growth in Tissue through organic investment and adjacency expansion.
Organik yatırım ve bitişiklik genişleme yoluyla Doku büyüme hızlandırın.
Kaynak: businesswire.com
I would guess that when camping opens up as an interest, fishing would be an adjacency.
Ben kamp bir ilgi olarak açtığında, balıkçı bir bitişiklik olacağını tahmin ediyorum.
Kaynak: technologyreview.com
The edges E of an undirected graph G induce a symmetric binary relation ~ on V that is called the adjacency relation of G. Specifically,
Kaynak: Graph (mathematics)
Adjacency of vertices in a graph is represented by the adjacency matrix . In plane geometry , two sides of a polygon are called adjacent if
Kaynak: Adjacent
In mathematics and computer science , an adjacency matrix is a means of representing which vertices (or nodes) of a graph are adjacent
Kaynak: Adjacency matrix
In graph theory and computer science , an adjacency list representation of a graph is a collection of unordered lists, one for each
Kaynak: Adjacency list
In algebraic graph theory , the adjacency algebra of a graph G is the algebra of polynomial s in the adjacency matrix A(G) of the graph.
Kaynak: Adjacency algebra
In pragmatics , a branch of linguistics , an adjacency pair is an example of conversational turn-taking. An adjacency pair is composed of
Kaynak: Adjacency pairs
In mathematics , in graph theory , the Seidel adjacency matrix of a simple graph G (also called the Seidel matrix and—the original name—the
Kaynak: Seidel adjacency matrix
Connectivity extends the concept of adjacency and is essentially a form (and measure) of concatenated adjacency . If it is possible to
Kaynak: Glossary of graph theory
characteristic polynomial , eigenvalue s, and eigenvector s of matrices associated to the graph, such as its adjacency matrix or Laplacian matrix .
Kaynak: Spectral graph theory
do not have adjacency labeling schemes However, even families of graphs in which the number of graphs in the family is small might not
Kaynak: Implicit graph
A forest of stars is a set of star world s whose adjacency matrix is a tree. This means that no intersecting star worlds create a cycle,
Kaynak: Forest of stars
In photographic science , a Mackie line is an adjacency or border effect created during development , at the border between areas of high
Kaynak: Mackie line
In ecology , confluence nodes are pulses of enrichment that occur at the adjacency of contrasting habitats, such as where a forest meets a
Kaynak: Confluence nodes
For, the adjacency matrix of a directed graph with n vertices can be any (0,1)-matrix of size n imes n, which can then be reinterpreted
Kaynak: Bipartite graph
Neighbourhoods may be used to represent graphs in computer algorithms, via the adjacency list and adjacency matrix representations.
Kaynak: Neighbourhood (graph theory)
This causes redundancy in an undirected graph: for example, if vertices A and B are adjacent, A's adjacency list contains B, while B's
Kaynak: Graph theory

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