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adjective ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

adjective anlamı
1) sıfat
2) önad
1) sıfat
2) sıfat gibi kullanılan
3) bağlı
4) tabi
5) sabitleştiricili
6) biçimsel

"adjective" için örnek kullanımlar

My adjective for what happened on that episode of "Tujuane" is disheartening.
"Tujuane" bu bölüm üzerinde ne için sıfat cesaret kırıcı olduğunu.
Kaynak: ghafla.co.ke
The word bipartisan is defined in the dictionary as an adjective: representing,
, Temsil: iki partili kelimesi bir sıfat olarak sözlükte tanımlanır
Kaynak: unioneagle.com
I hate to use "dark," because that's a cheap adjective, but it is.
Bunu ucuz bir sıfat çünkü "karanlık" kullanmak için nefret ediyorum, ama öyle.
Kaynak: fuse.tv
It's a cute song, although I'm sure the guys would prefer I use a different adjective.
Ben çocuklar ben farklı bir sıfat kullanmak tercih ediyorum eminim rağmen, sevimli bir şarkı.
Kaynak: usatoday.com
In grammar , an adjective is a 'describing' word; the main syntactic role of which is to qualify a noun or noun phrase , giving more
Kaynak: Adjective
The following is a list of adjectival forms of countries and nations in English and their demonym ic equivalents. A country adjective
Kaynak: List of adjectival and demonymic forms for countries and nations
The Japanese language does not have words that function as adjective s in a syntactic sense date March 2012, i.e. tree diagrams of
Kaynak: Japanese equivalents of adjectives
For example, in the English sentence This is a red ball, the adjective red is a modifier, modifying the noun ball. Removal of the
Kaynak: Grammatical modifier
Table of adjective declension endings: I- m | II- m | III- m | I- f | II- f | III- f | - ǎ- | -u- | -i- | -ā- | -i- | -ē- | |
Kaynak: Lithuanian declension
An adjective phrase or adjectival phrase is a phrase the head word of which is an adjective , e.g. etc The adjective in an adjective
Kaynak: Adjectival phrase
In English orthography , the term "proper adjective" is sometimes applied to adjective s that take initial capital letter s, and the term "
Kaynak: Proper adjective
A postpositive adjective is an adjective that appears after the noun that it modifies. are examples of adjectives that are primarily used
Kaynak: Post-positive adjective
A collateral adjective is an adjective with a similar meaning to a given noun , but derived from a different root. serves as an adjective
Kaynak: Collateral adjective
A compound modifier (also called a compound adjective, phrasal adjective, or adjectival phrase ) is a compound of two or more attributive
Kaynak: Compound modifier
In German grammar , the correct inflection of adjective s depends on the case, number and gender of the noun phrase , as well as what kind
Kaynak: German adjectives
Scotch is an adjective meaning "of Scotland ". The modern usage in Scotland is Scottish or Scots, where the word "Scotch" is only
Kaynak: Scotch (adjective)
An eponymous adjective is an adjective which has been derived from the name of a person, real or fictional. name the adjectives have been
Kaynak: List of eponymous adjectives in English
The Spanish language uses adjective s in a similar way to English and most other Indo-European language s. Spanish adjectives usually go
Kaynak: Spanish adjectives
In grammar , the comparative is the form of an adjective or adverb which denotes the degree or grade by which a person, thing, or other
Kaynak: Comparative
An attributive verb is a verb which modifies (expresses an attribute of) a noun in the manner of an attributive adjective , rather than
Kaynak: Attributive verb

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