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adjourn ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

adjourn anlamı
1) ertelemek
2) sonraya bırakmak
3) son vermek
4) dağılmak
5) geciktirmek
6) geçmek

"adjourn" için örnek kullanımlar

At 6 p.m. everyone will adjourn to the restrooms for our annual poop.
6 At pm herkes bizim yıllık yormak için tuvalet için ara veriyoruz.
Kaynak: washingtonpost.com
Any participant may propose to adjourn a session for deliberation.
Herhangi bir katılımcı müzakere için bir oturum erteleme önerebilir.
Kaynak: bna.bh
The law goes into effect 90 days after lawmakers adjourn in May.
Yasa 90 gün Mayıs ayında milletvekillerinin ertelemek sonra yürürlüğe girer.
Kaynak: gopusa.com
Faust made a motion to adjourn before the committee could take a final vote on HF473.
Faust komitesi HF473 ilgili nihai oy sürebilir önce ertelemek için bir hareket yaptı.
Kaynak: tcdailyplanet.net
An adjournment is a suspension of proceedings to another time or place. To adjourn means to suspend until a later stated time or place.
Kaynak: Adjournment
Adjournment sine die (from the Latin "without day") means "without assigning a day for a further meeting or hearing To adjourn an assembly
Kaynak: Adjournment sine die
In the Westminster system , an adjournment debate is a debate on the motion, "That this House do now adjourn." In practice, this is a way
Kaynak: Adjournment debate
In the event of grave disorder breaking out in the British House of Commons, the Speaker has the power to suspend or to adjourn the sitting
Kaynak: List of incidents of grave disorder in the British House of Commons
The court decided, however, to adjourn the proceedings for some two weeks for the limited purpose of affording the State an opportunity of
Kaynak: S v Acheson
except for actions which can be legally taken: To fix the time to which to adjourn , adjourn , recess , or take measures to obtain a quorum.
Kaynak: Quorum

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