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adjournment ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

adjournment anlamı
1) erteleme
2) geciktirme
3) ertelenme
4) oturum arası

"adjournment" için örnek kullanımlar

Magistrate Eckhold allowed an adjournment for driver education.
Sulh Eckhold sürücü eğitim için bir erteleme izin verdi.
Kaynak: dailyliberal.com.au
Friday night's adjournment of the debate has provided time for national reflection.
Tartışmanın Cuma gecesi ertelenmesi ulusal yansıma için zaman sağladı.
Kaynak: trinidadexpress.com
The adjournment means the bill's progress has stopped, but it doesn't mean it's dead.
Erteleme tasarının ilerlemesini durdurdu anlamına gelir, ama ölü olduğu anlamına gelmez.
Kaynak: indexjournal.com
Windsor police officer wins adjournment in assault case.
Windsor polis saldırı durumunda erteleme kazanır.
Kaynak: windsorstar.com
An adjournment is a suspension of proceedings to another time or place. To adjourn means to suspend until a later stated time or place.
Kaynak: Adjournment
Some board game s, such as chess or Go , use an adjournment mechanism to suspend the game in progress so it can be continued at another
Kaynak: Adjournment (games)
Requests for leave to move the adjournment of Parliament on matters of urgent public importance. Personal explanations. Introduction of
Kaynak: Parliament of Singapore
In the Westminster system , an adjournment debate is a debate on the motion, "That this House do now adjourn." In practice, this is a way
Kaynak: Adjournment debate
In the United States , conditional adjournment refers to the authority given to the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the
Kaynak: Conditional adjournment
In United States criminal law , adjournment in contemplation of dismissal (ACD or ACOD) may be offered to a defendant in the interest of
Kaynak: Adjournment in contemplation of dismissal
It is scientifically valuable as a basal section Upper Jurassic adjournment on Russian Platform . Many fossils have been recovered from it
Kaynak: Upper Jurassic deposits of Gorodishchi
The expression is now used not only for a special session called after a sine die adjournment, but also for any portion of a regular
Kaynak: Lame duck session
initiatives which would enable the court to decide whether a long adjournment should thereafter be granted or considered, with the caveat
Kaynak: S v Acheson
In the Pocket Veto Case (1929), the Supreme Court held that "the determinative question in reference to an 'adjournment' is not whether
Kaynak: Article One of the United States Constitution
substantive debates on the adjournment; half-hour adjournment debates at the end of each sitting (chosen by ballot) the power to meet in
Kaynak: Scottish Grand Committee
publicly funded counsel, in most circumstances a judge should grant any request for an adjournment or stay when an accused is unrepresented.
Kaynak: Dietrich v The Queen
it is a final adjournment of Congress or an interim adjournment but whether it is one that 'prevents' the President from returning the bill."
Kaynak: Pocket veto
It is customarily struck to indicate the opening (call to order), keep the meeting itself calm and orderly, and the closing (adjournment
Kaynak: Gavel
It differs from a recess or adjournment , which do not end a session, and from a complete dissolution of parliament , which ends both the
Kaynak: Prorogation in Canada

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