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aeration ne demek?

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İngilizce - Türkçe

aeration anlamı
1) havalandırma
2) havalanma

"aeration" için örnek kullanımlar

Aeration consumes 50% of the energy in a wastewater treatment facility.
Havalandırma bir atıksu arıtma tesisi içinde% 50 enerji tüketir.
Kaynak: seekingalpha.com
The great complexity to the wine made aeration all the more important.
Şarap büyük bir karmaşıklık havalandırma tüm daha önemli hale getirmiştir.
Kaynak: njmonthly.com
The wind and stuff can break apart the ice pretty quickly around aeration holes.
Rüzgar ve şeyler oldukça hızlı havalandırma delikleri etrafında buz ayıramaz.
Kaynak: globegazette.com
Water aeration is the process of increasing the oxygen saturation of the water. Water quality: Water aeration is often required in water
Kaynak: Water aeration
Linear aeration is a relatively new aeration process; it allows water to penetrate the soil and to be retained in the proper amounts.
Kaynak: Linear aeration
Aeration Turbines are designed to aerate and mix fluids industrially. They are foremost used in brewing, pond aeration and sewage
Kaynak: Aeration Turbine
Via deep water aeration or hypolimnetic aeration, the oxygen demand of deep water is covered by oxygen from the atmosphere without
Kaynak: Hypolimnetic aeration
Extended aeration is a method of sewage treatment using modified activated sludge procedures. It is preferred for relatively small waste
Kaynak: Extended aeration
An aerated lagoon or aerated basin is a holding and/or treatment pond provided with artificial aeration to promote the biological
Kaynak: Aerated lagoon
An air diffuser or membrane diffuser is an aeration device typically in the shape of a disc, tube or plate, which is used to transfer air
Kaynak: Diffuser (sewage)
Surface aerators are commonly quoted as having an aeration efficiency of 0.5 - 1.5 kg O 2/kWh, diffused aeration as 1.5 - 2.5 kg O 2/KWh.
Kaynak: Activated sludge
or where the power supply may be intermittent. Extended aeration package plants use separate basins for aeration and settling, and are
Kaynak: Sewage treatment
Mixed liquor suspended solids (MLSS) is the concentration of suspended solids, in an aeration tank during the activated sludge process ,
Kaynak: Mixed liquor suspended solids
Aerators are various devices used for aeration , or mixing air with another substance, such as soil or water. Aerator may also refer to:
Kaynak: Aerator
Double digging is a gardening technique used to increase soil drainage and aeration. It involves the loosening of two layers of soil ,
Kaynak: Double digging
Environmental Dynamics International is a vertically integrated manufacturer of aeration and biological wastewater treatment solutions.
Kaynak: Environmental Dynamics Inc.
Surplus Activated Sludge refers to the bacterial cell bodies produced in Sewage treatment works by the aeration of sewage effluent.
Kaynak: Surplus Activated Sludge
The aeration of the soil influences the health of the soil's flora and fauna and the movement of gases into and out of the soil.
Kaynak: Soil
The blended admixture is usually placed on perforated piping, providing air circulation for controlled aeration . It may be in windrows
Kaynak: Aerated static pile composting
The Environmental Advice Centre was commissioned to undertake an aeration scheme trial in the River Tawe in the summer of 1998.
Kaynak: Swansea Barrage

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